Physical Education & Health


In accordance with our work of becoming an International Baccalaureate (IB) school, we have embraced specific terminology related to our teaching units. The board that appears in each room provides the students with a constant reference to the overarching ideas, concepts, and contexts of our lessons and unit.

Curriculum Units



Locomotor Skills

Chasing, Fleeing Dodging

Manipulative Skills


Body Awareness

Spatial Awareness


Field Day






Cooperative/Group Games

Jump Rope for Heart

Track and Field



Field Day


Project Adventure





European Handball



If your child needs to be excused from physical education activities, please write us a note and have your child bring it to us either at the beginning of the day or when physical education class begin.

If physician limits physical education participation in part, please be specific as to the amount of activity or what your child can/cannot do, as well as when they are able to again fully participate in class.



For your child’s safety, he/she will NOT be allowed to participate without proper footwear in physical education.  Proper footwear includes athletic-type shoes.

Appropriate athletic clothing should be worn.  If your child wears a dress on physical education day, please have them wear a pair of shorts also.



                                                               HEALTH EDUCATION


6th Grade:

Puberty/Hygiene: We will be studying the changes of puberty that usually begin about this time in students' lives (puberty can begin as early as age 8 or 9). Our coursework will involve identifying and discussing the physical, emotional, and social changes that typically occur as a result of the hormone changes taking place. Moreover, due to hormonal changes to adolescents during puberty there is an increased need for good hygiene habits. This area of study is part of the National Health Education Standards recommendations for topics and skills to be covered in classroom health education.

HIV/AIDS: HIV/AIDS is one of the most serious health problems Americans have ever faced. Advances in medicine have made tremendous strides in keeping people infected with HIV healthy for many years. Still, it has no cure, and education is the only way we can help our students protect themselves from becoming infected.

7th Grade:

Physical Activity/Fitness: Physical activity is defined as body movement produced by the skeletal muscles that result in energy expenditure. It is a crucial component of a healthy lifestyle. In fact, physical inactivity has been proven to be a major risk factor in the development of coronary artery disease. In addition, physical inactivity has been linked to other risk factors such as obesity, cancer, diabetes and high blood pressure.

HIV/AIDS: HIV/AIDS is one of the most serious health problems Americans have ever faced. Advances in medicine have made tremendous strides in keeping people infected with HIV healthy for many years. Still, it has no cure, and education is the only way we can help our students protect themselves from becoming infected.

8th Grade:

Drugs, Alcohol, Tobacco: In-class demonstrations help students learn how tobacco harms the body and a web-based research project helps students learn how to access valid sources of information about the negative affects of tobacco

HIV/AIDS: HIV/AIDS is one of the most serious health problems Americans have ever faced. Advances in medicine have made tremendous strides in keeping people infected with HIV healthy for many years. Still, it has no cure, and education is the only way we can help our students protect themselves from becoming infected.

     Helpful Tips for Student Success!

Communicate often!

Participate in class discussions and share your opinion!

Be a thinker!

Take notes on what you learn!

Practice good self-management!

Complete all assignments before the due date and check Google classroom often!

Be a risk-taker!

Volunteer to share your classwork!

Be an inquirer!

If you’re confused about something, ask questions.

Be open-minded!

There is so much to learn about our personal health!

Be Reflective!

How will this health knowledge benefit your overall wellbeing?


              MEET THE TEACHERS                               

Mrs. Balfour

Calli Balfour is a new addition at OWNCS as the Athletic Director.  She graduated from Adelphi University with a Bachelor's in Physical Education and a Master's in Sports Management - This year Ms. Balfour will also be teaching Health & Physical Education. Ms. Balfour loves supporting and encouraging students to hold a healthy lifestyle while enjoying their time together in Physical Education & Health classes.

