Kinder Module 5:
Addition and Subtraction
Students develop a conceptual understanding of addition and subtraction. They represent situations with number sentences and model story problems in various ways.
Kinder Module Assessment Scoring Process
- Use Observational Notes First:
Start by reviewing your observational notes from the lessons (including those on the Observational Assessment Recording Sheet or OARS). These notes provide insight into each student's understanding of the module’s achievement descriptors (ADs).
- Evaluate Using Achievement Descriptors:
Assess each student based on their observed performance on each achievement descriptor for the module. The scoring guide will help you rate them on a scale from 1 to 4:
1 = Not yet proficient
2 = Partially proficient
3 = Proficient
4 = Highly proficient
Administer the Module Assessment if Needed:
If you don’t have enough information from your observations to score a student on a particular achievement descriptor confidently, administer the module assessment. You can do this in a 1:1 setting or a small group. Score Using Module Assessment Data: After the assessment, use the data you gather to score each student on the achievement descriptors.
Input scores in on Illuminate here (log in with google)
You have two options:
Each achievement descriptor is tied to a specific question number, as outlined in the Achievement Descriptors document for the module.