Frequently Asked Questions

What happens if I don't complete a course by the end of a term?

We understand - life happens and sometimes it's hard to finish everything we start! If you register for a book study and don't complete it by the end of the term, you'll be given the option to re-register for the same study during the term that follows. We are required by NNU to assign a temporary "incomplete" score, but this can be exchanged for a "pass" score once you're done. 

If you do not complete the course within two terms, you will be placed on a waitlist and be notified as spaces become available.

If you choose not to re-register for the incomplete course, please return your reading material to your instructor. 

Can I register for more than one course in a term?  

You may register for one course at a time. If you finish a course within a term and have time to complete another before the term's deadline, you are welcome to do so.

Please note there are a limited number of stipends available each term. Once stipends have been claimed, the registration form will close for that term and you will be unable to join any additional courses. 

How many times can I complete a course? 

Individuals are invited to complete each course one time. 

What is the cost of one graduate-level credit?

The cost of one semester graduate-level credit from NNU is $60, to be paid by the enrolling student.  

How many courses can I complete for scholarship? 

Currently, an OSD teacher may receive a maximum of 5 scholarships (stipends) for courses completed.   

What if I need to withdraw from a course?  

To withdraw from a course, please email your instructor and return your text to them via district mail. 

The Ontario School District is not responsible for refunding NNU registration fees in the event a course is withdrawn from.