Mentoring in Action

Instructor: McKenzie Fuller

Format: Online, Self-Paced

Commitment: 15 hours

Available Credits: 1

Course Description: 

Novice teachers bring vitality and optimism to schools. Our role as mentors is to empower novice teachers to grow in their practice and emerge as leaders of the future. Newly revised and updated, the 2nd edition of "Mentoring in Action" emphasizes a unique approach: mindful mentoring that aligns your conversations to teaching standards to prepare novice teachers for their teacher evaluation. This course will equip mentors to plan mentoring conversations and observations, differentiate support to meet the varied needs of novice teachers, set goals to prevent teacher burnout by sharing social and emotional learning skills, gather regular student feedback from student work samples and surveys, and integrate the updated INTASC Standards into mentoring conversations.   

Course Requirements: