Analytical Sentence Starters

Sometimes, if you have a hard time starting, it helps to have what teachers call "sentence starters" or "sentence frames." 

These handy tools can help writers brainstorm, complete journals and even help with literary analysis.  Sentence starters can also help students move beyond overly used phrases that make teachers cringe, like the dreaded "This quote means ..."

Check these out. They might help! 

For INFORMAL writing such as journal entries, reader's response questions and dialectical journals, consider these starters. 

Remember, in informal writing, it is fine to use first and second person.

Planning and Goal Setting

Making Predictions


Tapping into Prior Knowledge


Adopting an Alignment

Asking Questions

Making Connections

Credit: Pathway to Academic Success

FORMAL writing, specifically literary, analytical essays sentence starters by essay structure

Thesis Starters

Topic Sentence Starters

Quote Lead Starters

Commentary Starters

FORMAL writing, specifically literary, analytical essays sentence starters by content





Elements of Literature

Point of View



Credit: Marth MacFarland, Meridian School