
Need clarification? Got a specific question? Looking for a more extensive guide for your writing process?

The Internet is a wonderful resource, but not all sites are created equal. The links below are English teacher endorsed, nay, recommended, to supplement your learning experience.

OPHS Style Sheet:

Co-created by the Oak Park High English Department, this Google Doc is a concise resource designed to reduce common errors and communicate clear expectations for formal writing style.

OPHS Essay Rubric:

Also co-created by the Oak Park High English Department. Please note that this may or may not be the rubric your teacher chooses to use. However, it is an excellent resource for general grading guidelines for any formal literary essay. 

Purdue Owl Writing Lab

This is your one-stop shop for everything related to citations from MLA to APA and more. Don't know how to cite a song for your Works Cited? Don't know how to provide an in-text citation for a website? Not sure how to align your citations in your Works Cited? When in doubt ... Purdue Owl will have all your answers, as well as practical examples you may use as a model.


Excellent resource of up-to-date MLA information. Use their MLA Citation Generator as a BASELINE for writing your Works Cited citations. *This generator, while better than Easybib, is only the first stop in your citation process. Double-check the generator's results -- just because a citation generator doesn't come up with information, doesn't mean you can't. Go look and add what is missing, in.

MLA Style Center

Sample papers, formatting for research projects, citation styles updated to most recent version of MLA ... this is a great additional resource after you've visited Purdue Owl.


What's the difference between brackets and parenthesis? Is "funniest" a word? How do you write out a percentage in a formal essay? GrammarGal releases interesting and informative articles that can answer the many grammar and writing questions you didn't know to ask.


Basic Grammarly is an extension that you can add to all things Google. In its most basic form it is a powerful grammar and spell-check tool. In its most powerful (and paid) version, Grammarly uses AI to help you refine your writing and catch your bad writing habits. WARNING:  Never use AI to do your writing for you as that is a form of plagiarism.