3D Design

Key Contact: Mr Ledster 


Product design, Component design, Exhibition Design, Packaging Design, Production Design for TV, Film and Theatre 

Three dimensional design is intended for students

who are interested in working with a range of materials and have a passion for Design and Technology.

The course will involve working to a design brief,

identifying and exploring problems, planning courses

of action, using appropriate equipment and materials, designing and working in a variety of media.

Areas of study may include:

Students will gain the necessary skills to continue

their artistic development at further or higher

education level. The course offers a broad knowledge

of designing, mater ials, techniques and equipment.

Students will also explore computer programmes

including Illustrator, 2D design and use of mixed

media. It does not restrict to one area so you could

work in Graphic Design, Textiles or Systems and

Control in the future.

Assessment throughout the two-year course is by: 

Component 1: Coursework Portfolio

A series of sustained projects developed in response to a subject, theme, task or brief and selection of further work from the course. 

96 marks 

60% of GCSE

Component 2: Externally Set Assignment

The exam board will provide a separate externally set assignment for each title, each with seven different starting points. Students must select and respond to one starting point from their chosen title.

96 marks

40% of GCSE

Marks are awarded across four key areas for both units: 

AO1: Develop ideas through investigations, demonstrating critical understanding of sources.

AO2: Refine work by exploring ideas, selecting and experimenting with appropriate media, materials, techniques and processes.

AO3: Record ideas, observations and insights relevant to intentions as work progresses.

AO4: Present a personal and meaningful response that realises intentions and demonstrates understanding of visual language.

Students are actively encouraged to work independently on their projects both at home and by attending the after school sessions. 

Three Dimension Design is a practical and valuable subject. It enables children and young people to actively contribute to the creativity, culture, wealth and well being of themselves, their community and their nation. It teaches how to take risks and so become more resourceful, innovative, enterprising and capable. 

Students develop a critical understanding of the impact of design and technology on daily life and the wider world. Additionally, it provides excellent opportunities for students to develop and apply value judgements of an aesthetic, economic, moral, social and technical nature, both in their own designing and when evalua ting the work of others.