Creating a website


When creating a website you will need a webhost; somebody who will put your web pages onto their webserver so that people can access them.

With static websites, It is usual to work on a local copy of your website and upload the files onto the webserver when you know they work.

To do this you will need to create a root folder to keep all your files in.

Files on the web need names that are easy to use in URLs.

File and folder names should not start with a number or contain spaces or other characters that are not letters or numbers.

The homepage of a website is normally called "index.html". Web-browsers will look for this file when they go to a particular web address. If they can't find an index file, they normally show you a list of the contents of the folder.

Normally links to other pages are what we call relative links. You don't provide the full URL (or file-path), just the name of the file relative to the current page.