Introduction to Scratch

Where is the cat going?

Take a look at the instructions below.  The are directions for the cat to follow.

Work out where the cat is going, then click the green flag on the map to see if you were right.

Press the Green Flag to find out!

(Press Space to put the cat back at the beginning)

The instructions above solve a problem.  They tell the cat how to get to a specific destination.  We call step-by-step instructions that solve a problem an algorithm.  In computing we look to turn algorithms into sets of instructions that the computer can follow.  This is called a program.

Watch the video below to see how we can use Scratch to write a set of instructions that will move the cat from it's starting position to the Museum.

Scratch 1 - Introduction.mp4

Key Words


A set of step-by-step instructions that solve a problem


An instruction written in a way that a computer can understand and follow


A set of instructions for a computer to follow


Using the files at the bottom of the page complete the following challenges:


Below are the files you will need to complete the challenges.

How to Download the files and use them in Scratch....

...on a computer.


...on a smartphone or tablet
