Challenges 1

Take a look at his code....

What does it do?

Look at the program and see if you were right!


Using the skills we have looked at so far, see if you can complete the following challenges.

The files you will need to help you can be downloaded at the bottom of the page.

Count Down

Get the Maths Man to count down to zero from a number the user enters.

Time Tables

Get the Maths Man to say the times table of a number the user enters.


This challenge involves getting the sprite to draw a polygon.

A polygon is a many sided shape. The problem is we don’t know how many sides, so we need to ask!!

Create a program that will ask the user how many sides a shape should have and how long each side should be.

The program should then draw that shape.

You will need variables for:

  • Sides
  • Length
  • Angle


Create a Spirograph program that will ask the user how many sides and the length of them for the shape it will use to create the pattern. It should also ask the user how many times it should draw the shape in the pattern.

You will need variables for:

  • ShapeSides
  • ShapeLength
  • ShapeAngle
  • PatternRepeats
  • PatternAngle


Below are the files you will need to complete the challenges.