Extended ASCII

Standard ASCII is only made up of 7 bits providing 128 characters. This was enough for ordinary American English, but did not allow the special characters that other European languages that use the roman alphabet use, for example accents and umlauts ie: é, ü.

By adding an extra bit the number of possible characters is increased to 256. This enabled a greater range of letters to be used, further standardising the format for storing text. Each character now takes up 1 byte.

Extended Characters

On a Windows computer you can enter the ASCII code whilst holding the alt key to print the character on screen

ç = Alt + 135

ß = Alt + 225

° = Alt + 248

ô = Alt + 147

© = Alt + 184

Drawing with Text

The extended character set includes box drawing characters that were used before Graphical User Interfaces (like Windows), to draw boxes and frames around text.


Can you make an ASCII banner of your name similar to the example?

Use the Extended ASCII Table to help you.