OOP - Defining a Class

A class is the specification of an Object. Class is short for Classification.

A class is defined by stating the attributes and the methods.

Defining a class is similar to defining a Struct:

class ClassName


//define attributes

//define constructors

//define methods


To instantiate an object based on the class (create an instance of the class) we declare it as follows:

ClassName ObjectName = new ClassName();

Demo Creating a Class

Code from Demo

class BankAccount


//Define attributes

private string surname; //field

private double balance;

public string Surname //property


get { return surname; } //get method

set { this.surname = value; } //set method


//Define Constructors

//Define Methods

public string GetSummary()


string summary = this.surname + ", £" + this.balance;

return summary;



class MainClass


public static void Main(string[] args)


string theSurname;

//instantiate an object:

BankAccount myAccount = new BankAccount(); //call the constructor

Console.WriteLine("Bank Account Demo 1\n");

//The UI - ask for the surname

Console.Write("Enter surname: ");

theSurname = Console.ReadLine();

//Assign data to object

myAccount.Surname = theSurname;

//Get data from object

Console.WriteLine("Account Details: {0}", myAccount.GetSummary());



A key design principle in OOP is the Separation of Concerns.
In our example it is the job of the Main program to interface with the user. This allows our code to be portable. We can use the same BankAccount class in a form app or a console app.


Extend the demonstration task by adding:

  • A new first name field.

  • Methods to get and set the field

  • New code to the Main to capture the data and display it.

Key Terms


Creating an instance of an object based on a template (class)


The method called which creates the instance. In C# this can be implicit or explicit (where the programmer adds their own code to the method)