No Empty Seats

Good school attendance leads to success in the classroom! Students who make it to school on time every day are more likely to focus better on their schoolwork and have fewer disciplinary issues than their classmates who are chronically absent (missing class more than twice a month). Chronic absenteeism puts students at risk for poor grades, repeating a grade level and dropping out of school. 

Join us on August 13th and lets kick off the school year with no empty seats!

Student Attendance Expectations & Supports

Facts & Stats

Student Parent Handbook

with Us


Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What do I do if my student will be absent?

A: Please call your student’s school by 10 am to report the absence. A list of our schools and their phone numbers can be found HERE. If you are leaving a voicemail, please include the student’s full name, ID number if possible, and reason for absence.

Q: When do I need to turn in a doctor’s note for my student?

A: Any time they see a doctor during school hours! Sending your own note or calling the school is acceptable for the first five (5) absences in a semester. After those five, you must have official written documentation (such as a doctor’s note, verification of court appearance, funeral program, etc.) for the absence to be excused.

Q: How many absences could cause my high school student to lose course credit for the semester?

A: High school students with ten (10) or more absences in a semester risk losing course credit. Please contact your student’s school if you have extenuating circumstances.

Q: What do I do if my student was dropped for truancy?

A: Please come to your student’s school to re-enroll them as soon as possible!

Q: What is chronic absence and why does it matter?

A: Chronic absence is when a student misses 10% or more of the school year for any reason and means they are at risk of falling behind in school. It includes both excused and unexcused absences because both mean missing valuable time and instruction in the classroom.

Q: How can I keep track of my student’s absences?

A: You can always check your students’ absences via the Infinite Campus Parent Portal. Another great option is to have a copy of the district calendar and note whenever your student is absent.

Q: What do I do if my student has a chronic illness or traumatic injury that prevents them from coming to school?

A: Please contact your student’s school as soon as possible so that we may support you and your student in getting their education however we can.

Q: What is the difference between excused and unexcused absences?

A: Both excused and unexcused absences count toward chronic absenteeism, but only unexcused absences count toward a student’s truancy record.

Q: What counts as an excused absence?

A: Excused absences include:

Q: How much time does my student have to make up for missed work due to an absence?

A: Students have up to two (2) days for every absence to make up assignments and tests for full credit.

Q: What if I get a message from the school saying my child was absent when they were at school?

A: It is incredibly important that you call the school as soon as possible to verify your student’s attendance, both for their safety and accurate record keeping.

Q: What is the attendance policy for Pre-Kindergarten (Pre-K)?

A: While Pre-K enrollment is not required by law, it is still funded by the Oklahoma State Department of Education. Therefore, Pre-K students are still expected to meet the same attendance requirements as for other grades. If a Pre-K student has more than ten (10) absences in a semester after interventions have been attempted, the student may be dropped if there is a waiting list for Pre-K spots.