Start My Day
Student Tools
Start My Day
Student Tools
Responsible Use Policy (RUP)
It is a requirement for all secondary OKCPS students to visit the online RUP and create their own password once each year.
Once you have agreed to the responsible use policy, you will have access to district resources and are expected to follow policy at all times.
It is advised that you read through the policy and make note of the rules and regulations of the Oklahoma City Public School System.
Homeless Support
(405) 587-HOPE
(405) -587-4673
Homeless Support
(405) 587-HOPE
(405) -587-4673
TIPS Reporting
(405) 587-STOP
(405) -587-7867
TIPS Reporting
(405) 587-STOP
(405) -587-7867
Pathway to Graduation, College and Career
Pathway to Graduation, College and Career