School/ Community Service


Grade(s): 9-12 Credit(s): 0.2-1.0 Weight: No weight

Length: Semester/Year

Prerequisite: Completed application, including parent, teacher/mentor and school counselor approval.

Traditional Periods/cycle: 1-5

Students will have the opportunity to expand their real life experiences and benefit from an alternative learning atmosphere by volunteering in approved service agencies (Community Service) or within the school district (School Service). Examples of possible service include tutoring elementary students, student assistant at the high school, working for Habitat for Humanity, and volunteering at a nursing home.


· School Service:

o Only seniors can schedule School Service.

o One student may work for each teacher.

· Students in grades 9-12 may earn credit for Community Service.

· Students can earn a maximum of 1.0 credit through this course.

· Students must procure School and/or Community Service placements.