Career Exploration E-Portfolio


Grade(s): 12 Credit(s): .25/.50 Weight: ST

Length: Semester

Hybrid: 06813H Periods/cycle: 1 (period 7 only)

06823H 2 (periods 6/7)

Intern * Shadow * Network

The course gives our high school students the opportunity to develop an in-depth career eportfolio. Students will create the documents and practice the skills needed to network with industry professionals to obtain shadowing opportunities. Time is built into the course to allow the student to reflect in writing how their classroom learning and shadowing experiences work together to prepare them for their college experience, while also improving their ability to communicate professionally. Students scheduled periods 6 and 7 will be required to shadow/intern for 60 hours. Students scheduled period 7 will be required to shadow/intern for 40 hours.