
The Owen J. Roberts English Department believes its primary purpose is to teach students to write and to develop logical, well-organized thought processes. Our goal is that students will develop a lifelong, self-directed appreciation of literature and will learn to use precise language through the development of listening, reading, writing, and speaking skills. During the first year of high school, students will study selections from all genres of literature. The next three years will be devoted to studying literature from a wide variety of cultures and time periods. Our goal is to broaden and multiply the number of books and texts a student will encounter.

Writing Portfolio: In each student’s high school English classes, a progression of writing skills will be developed from creating basic sentence patterns to writing a research paper. Every student will be required to complete between 10 and 12 essays each year. All of those essays will be included in the student’s electronic writing portfolio each year. This portfolio should contain a minimum of 44 total essays by the end of the student’s senior year.

In grade 12, students will be assigned to Standard English purely on the basis of their reading levels as shown by standardized test scores and teacher and school counselor recommendations. No student may choose Standard 12.

The typical sequence of courses that Owen J. Roberts High School students select is presented in the chart below. The chart is divided into instructional levels and is intended to give an overview of the required courses from which students can choose. It is only a guide to assist students and families in the registration process. A student’s course selections are not limited to the sequences shown. Each student should consult his/her teachers, school counselor, and families to determine the appropriate courses and sequence that best supports his/her academic and career goals. The academic levels – Advanced Placement/International Baccalaureate (AP/IB), Honors (H), College Prep (CP) and Standard (ST) - indicate the general level of instruction of the courses.

Key to Symbols:

^ Hybrid course only.

# Offered as Hybrid and Traditional course.

* Offered as Online and Traditional course.


Grade(s): 9 Credit(s): 1.0 Weight: CP, H

Length: Year

Prerequisite: Honors English 9 requires an 85 in Honors Language Arts 8 or a 92 in Language Arts 8.

Traditional Periods/cycle: 5

Course numbers:

College Prep: Traditional (01002), Traditional Co-Taught (01003C)

Honors: Traditional (01001)


*Summer assignment required*

This course introduces students to the fundamentals of literature, emphasizes writing and speaking skills, and reinforces the basics of grammar. They will write ten essays for this class and complete a research project.


Grade(s): 10 Credit(s): 1.0 Weight: CP, H

Length: Year

Prerequisite: Honors English 10 requires an 85 in Honors English 9 or a 92 in College Prep English 9.

Traditional Periods/cycle: 5

Hybrid Periods/cycle: 2

Course numbers:

College Prep: Traditional (01012), Traditional Co-Taught (01013C)

Honors: Traditional (01011), Hybrid (01011H)

*Summer assignment required*

The students in this course study all genres of literature and refine their writing and speaking skills. The students taking Honors will study American Literature from the Colonial through Contemporary eras. Both levels are required to write ten essays, including a research paper.


Grade(s): 11 Credit(s): 1.0 Weight: CP, H

Length: Year

Prerequisite: Honors English 11 requires an 85 in Honors English 10 or a 92 in College Prep English 10.

Traditional Periods/cycle: 5


Course numbers:

College Prep: In person (01102), Co-Taught in person (01102C), Cyber (01232O)

Honors: In person (01101), Cyber (01231O)

*Summer assignment required*

Students taking College Prep study a variety of works of literature from ancient civilizations to the present. They will write 12 critical essays and a research paper based on their reading. Students taking Honors will study a variety of works of contemporary and classic literature. The Honors class will move at an accelerated pace and will include additional readings and essays.


Grade(s): 11 Credit(s): 1.0 Weight: CP, H

Length: Year

Prerequisite: Honors requires an 85 in Honors English 10 or a 92 in College Prep English 10.

Hybrid Periods/cycle: 2

Course numbers:

College Prep (01112H),

Honors (01123H)

*Summer assignment required*

Students taking this course will explore how the individual functions as an architect of change not only in his own life but also as an agent of change in the construction of the world around him. The course is organized around global issues, self-agency and affecting change, and has an increased focus on fiction and nonfiction that highlights innovation, problem-solving, and action planning. Students will examine literature of great minds by studying how one can improve himself and change the world for the better, reading a variety of literature in “changing the world” genre.


Grade(s): 11 Credit(s): 1.0 Weight: AP/IB

Length: Year

Prerequisite: None

Traditional: 01920 Periods/cycle: 5

The Language A: Language and Literature course is a two-year course that introduces the critical study and interpretation of written and spoken texts from a wide range of literary and non-literary genres. The formal analysis of texts is supplemented by awareness that meaning is not fixed but can change in respect to contexts of production and consumption.

In the language A: language and literature course students will learn about the complex and dynamic nature of language and explore both its practical and aesthetic dimensions. They will explore the crucial role language plays in communication, reflecting experience and shaping the world. Students will also learn about their own roles as producers of language and develop their productive skills. Throughout the course, students will explore the various ways in which language choices, text types, literary forms and contextual elements all effect meaning.

* Literature selections, assessments, and examination requirements for the HL necessitate the two-year offering.


Grade(s): 11-12 Credit(s): 1.0 Weight: AP/IB

Length: Year Fee: IB Exam fee

Prerequisite: CP or Honors English 10 or 11 or AP English Language & Composition

Traditional: 01940 Periods/cycle: 5

The IB DP Literature and Performance course is an interdisciplinary synthesis of the Language A and Theatre courses. It incorporates essential elements of literature and performance and aims to explore the dynamic relationship between the two. At the heart of the course is an interaction between (i) a conventional literary emphasis on close reading, critical writing and discussion and (ii) the practical, aesthetic and symbolic elements of performance. A distinctive outcome of this synthesis is the performance of a piece transformed from poetry or prose. In this exciting, creative process text is viewed from different angles in a way that goes beyond what is characteristic of either literary or theatre studies as single disciplines. The course as whole examines literary and dramatic texts and seeks to develop intellect, imagination and creativity. It encourages intercultural awareness through a study of texts from more than one culture.


Grade(s): 11 Credit(s): 1.0 Weight: AP

Length: Year Fee: AP Exam fee

Prerequisite: An 85 in H English 10

Traditional: 01100 Periods/cycle: 5

*Lengthy summer readings and essays are required.*

This is a college-level course that follows the AP English Language and Composition curriculum examining rhetoric as “the art of finding and analyzing all the choices involving language that a writer, speaker, reader, or listener might make in a situation so that the text becomes meaningful and purposeful” (David Jolliffee, former AP exam creator). Students will develop a personal writing style through the development and revision of evidence-based analytic and argumentative writing and the rhetorical analysis of nonfiction texts, including graphic images as forms of text from many disciplines and historical periods. Students are prepared for and encouraged to take the AP English Language and Composition Exam.


Grade(s): 12 Credit(s): 1.0 Weight: ST, CP, H

Length: Year

Prerequisite: Honors English 12 requires an 85 in Honors English 11 or a 92 in College Prep English 11.

Traditional Periods/cycle: 5

Course numbers:

Standard (01203)

College Prep: In person (01202), Cyber (01242O)

Honors: In person (01201), Cyber (01241O)

*Summer assignment required*

Students taking Standard or College Prep study a variety of works of literature that range from Shakespeare to modern novels. Those in College Prep will write 12 critical essays and a research paper based upon their reading. Students taking Honors study a variety of works of literature that range from Shakespeare to modern novels. The Honors class will move at an accelerated pace and will include additional readings and essays.


Grade(s): 12 Credit(s): 1.0 Weight: CP, H

Length: Year

Prerequisite: Honors English 12 requires an 85 in Honors English 11 or a 92 in College Prep English 11.

Hybrid Periods/cycle: 2

Course numbers:

College Prep (01212H),

Honors (01213H)

*Summer assignment required*

Students taking this course explore the history, literature, ethics, and philosophy of two age-old questions: what does it mean to be “successful” and how does one achieve this elusive goal? Students will examine the critical and cultural perspectives of success, reading a variety of literature in “success” genre.


Grade(s): 12 Credit(s): 1.0 Weight: AP/IB

Length: Year Fee: IB Exam fee

Prerequisite: IB Language & Literature HL Year 1

Traditional: 01930 Periods/cycle: 5

The Language A: Language and Literature is a two-year course that introduces the critical study and interpretation of written and spoken texts from a wide range of literary and non-literary genres. The formal analysis of texts is supplemented by awareness that meaning is not fixed but can change in respect to contexts of production and consumption.

Through close analysis of various text types and literary forms, students will consider their own interpretations, as well as the critical perspectives of others, to explore how such positions are shaped by cultural belief systems and to negotiate meanings for texts. Students will engage in activities that involve them in the process of production and help shape their critical awareness of how texts and their associated visual and audio elements work together to influence the audience/reader and how audiences/readers open up the possibilities of texts. With its focus on a wide variety of communicative acts, the course is meant to develop sensitivity to the foundational nature, and pervasive influence, of language in the world at large.

* Literature selections, assessments, and examination requirements for the HL necessitate the two-year offering.


Grade(s): 12 Credit(s): 1.0 Weight: AP

Length: Year Fee: AP Exam fee

Prerequisite: An 85 in AP English 11 or a 92 in H English 11

Traditional: 01200 Periods/cycle: 5

Lengthy summer readings and essays are required.

This class follows the Advanced Placement Literature and Composition curriculum and is representative of an introductory college literature course. It will intensively study literature of the world from Shakespeare to the present. In addition, students will be prepared to respond to written English in a variety of contexts and to further refine their skills in writing expository prose. They will be prepared for and are encouraged to take the Literature and Composition AP Examination.


English electives may not be selected in place of the required courses in the sequence of the English curriculum.


Grade(s): 9-12 Credit(s): 0.5 Weight: ST

Length: Semester

Traditional: 01415 Periods/cycle: 5

This course is designed as an introduction to the basics of theater and drama. Students will engage in sensory exercises, non-verbal and verbal skills, monologues, multiple character scenes, and participate in a class project.


Grade(s): 9-12 Credit(s): 0.5 Weight: ST

Length: Semester

Traditional: 01515 Periods/cycle: 5

This course will be offered in 2022-23. It will not be offered in 2023-24.

Debate is a communication class designed to strengthen students’ skills in the art of argumentation. Students will research national debate topics, prepare cases, and debate using cross-examination and Lincoln-Douglas formats.


Grade(s): 9-12 Credit(s): 0.5 Weight: ST

Length: Semester

Traditional: 01815 Periods/cycle: 5

This course will not be offered in 2022-23. It will be offered in 2023-24.

History of Film will cover the era of the silent films of the 1920s through films of the 1950s. The chosen films will be a reflection of the culture during that time frame. Included will be Academy Award winning films in a variety of genres. The films will be approached through literary analysis. Students will write persuasive and informational essays.


Grade(s): 9-12 Credit(s): 0.5 Weight: ST

Length: Semester

Traditional: 01525 Periods/cycle: 5

This course will be offered in 2022-23. It will not be offered in 2023-24.

This course provides an opportunity for students to refine their speaking and listening abilities. Students will prepare and deliver a variety of speeches and critique each other’s performances.


Grade(s): 9-12 Credit(s): 0.5 Weight: ST

Length: Semester

Traditional: 01615 Periods/cycle: 5

This course will not be offered in 2022-23. It will be offered in 2023-24.

This course provides students with an understanding of news reporting for the print and electronic media and an opportunity to learn basic editorial and writing skills. Selected writings will be presented in a class newspaper. This course may be repeated by those students interested in the school newspaper.


Grade(s): 10-12 Credit(s): 0.5 Weight: No weight

Length: Semester

Traditional: 02000 Periods/cycle: 5

This course provides an opportunity for students planning to take the SAT to refine their test-taking skills, focus on sample questions, and practice in the areas of critical reading, mathematics, and writing.


Grade(s): 10-12 Credit(s): 0.17 Weight: No weight

Length: Term

Online: 01813O Periods/cycle: 0

This course provides an opportunity for students planning to take the SAT to refine their test-taking skills, focus on sample questions, and practice in the area of reading only.