Health & Physical Education

The Health and Physical Education program is designed to provide students the knowledge and skills that will enable them to practice, achieve, and maintain physically active and healthful lives. A variety of fitness, recreational, sport, and lifetime activities are used to help students favorably impact their lives and those around them. Physical Education or equivalent (Weight Training and ROTC) is required every semester of every year for all students. For graduation, a student needs 0.8 credits in Health and 1.6 credits in Physical Education.

The typical sequence of courses that Owen J. Roberts High School students select is presented in the chart below. The chart is divided into instructional levels and is intended to give an overview of the required courses from which students can choose. It is only a guide to assist students and families in the registration process. A student’s course selections are not limited to the sequences shown. Each student should consult his/her teachers, school counselor, and families to determine the appropriate courses and sequence that best supports his/her academic and career goals. The academic levels – Advanced Placement/International Baccalaureate (AP/IB), Honors (H), College Prep (CP) and Standard (ST) - indicate the general level of instruction of the courses.

Key to Symbols:

^ Hybrid course only.

# Offered as Hybrid and Traditional course.

* Offered as Online and Traditional course.


Grade(s): 9-12 Credit(s): 0.2 Weight: ST

Length: Semester

Traditional: 12115 Periods/cycle: 2

Online: 12115O Periods/cycle: 0

This course is designed to promote wellness and to instruct students in skills that will be necessary to make constructive health choices for themselves as well as maintaining the health of others. Emphasis is placed on first aid, community CPR, nutrition, exercise, and drug and alcohol awareness. American Red Cross certification for first aid and CPR are available to students enrolled in the traditional course only. Students who enroll after the second cycle will not be able to receive CPR certification. These practical health skills build cohesiveness among people and aid in the development of responsible health consumers.


Grade(s): 10-12 Credit(s): 0.6 Weight: ST (academic year),

no weight (summer)

Length: Year

Traditional Periods/cycle: 3

Online Periods/cycle: 0

Course numbers:

Academic Year: Traditional (12125)

Online (12135)

Summer: Online (12145)

Health 1 is not a prerequisite for this class.

In order to complete enrollment for the Summer Health 2, students must register/pay via summer school registration procedure.

This course is designed to guide students in making important life decisions in the psychological, physiological, social, emotional, and mental aspects of their lives. Students acquire a deeper understanding of nutrition and their personal daily nutritional needs. Digital citizenship and how to develop a positive digital footprint will help guide the students to focus on the use of technology and how it affects their sleep and overall health. Students will also learn the contemporary social health issues that affect all people today. The anatomical study of the male and female reproductive systems are the foundation for information on maintaining a healthy body.


Grade(s): 9-10 Credit(s): 0.2 Weight: ST

Length: Semester

Traditional Periods/cycle: 2


Course numbers:

Fall semester (13115F)

Spring semester (13115S)

This physical education course for all 9th and 10th grade students provides basic instruction and activities in physical development, weight training, team and individual sports. The department prescribes the activities. All students are screened twice a year in five areas of physical fitness measuring muscular strength and endurance, cardio-respiratory endurance, speed, agility and flexibility.


Grade(s): 11-12 Credit(s): 0.2 Weight: ST

Length: Semester

Traditional Periods/cycle: 2

Course numbers:

Fall semester (13125F)

Spring semester (13125S)

This course for all 11th and 12th grade students allows students a choice of individual or team sports as well as physical development activities. All students are screened twice a year in five areas of physical fitness measuring muscular strength and endurance, cardio-respiratory endurance, speed, agility and flexibility.


Grade(s): 10-12 Credit(s): 0.2 Weight: ST

Length: Semester

Traditional Periods/cycle: 2

Course numbers:

Fall semester (13130F)

Spring semester (13130S)

This strength and flexibility course focuses on fundamental yoga poses. The course offers a moderately vigorous intensity but can be modified for students of all abilities and needs.


Grade(s): 10-12 Credit(s): 0.4 Weight: ST

Length: Year

Traditional: 13129 Periods/cycle: 2

This course is designed for those students who have a desire to participate in a more challenging/competitive environment than the regular Physical Education class. Competitive Physical Education will focus on leadership, team building/teamwork, problem solving, participation, sportsmanship and sport strategy through various games/activities. Students will acquire knowledge and skills in recreational, athletic and lifetime activities throughout the planned units of this course.


Grade(s): 9-12 Credit(s): 0.2 Weight: ST

Length: Semester

Hybrid: Periods/cycle: 1

Course numbers:

Fall semester (13126F)

Spring semester (13126S)

This course allows students the opportunity to meet once a cycle and provides basic instruction and activities in physical development. The course is designed to give students the opportunity to develop their personal fitness/workout routines outside of school. All students are screened twice a year in five areas of physical fitness measuring muscular strength and endurance, cardio-respiratory endurance, speed, agility and flexibility. School equipment is available but limited.


Grade(s): 9-12 Credit(s): 0.4 Weight: ST

Length: Year

Traditional: 13128O Periods/cycle: 0

Throughout this course students will learn about the principles of fitness and how to train properly. They will pick their own activities, analyze how these principles apply directly to themselves and learn how to adjust the program as needed. This course is scheduled for students attending TCHS-Pickering only.


Grade(s): 9-12 Credit(s): 0.4 Weight: ST

Length: Year

Traditional: 13128S Periods/cycle: 0

Throughout this course students will learn about the principles of fitness and how to train properly. They will pick their own activities, analyze how these principles apply directly to themselves and learn how to adjust the program as needed. This course may be scheduled for cyber/hybrid students only.


Grade(s): 9-12 Credit(s): 1.0 Weight: ST

Length: Year

Traditional: 13315 Periods/cycle: 5

The purpose of this course is to prepare and train students to assist in preventing and treating first aid issues. Students will also learn to tape, wrap, and care for athletes. Record keeping procedures, as well as the organization and administration of a high school athletic training program will also be a part of the curriculum. Practical experience with sports teams is also part of the curriculum.


Grade(s): 10-12 Credit(s): 0.6 Weight: ST

Length: Year

Prerequisite: Athletic Training 1

Traditional: 13325 Periods/cycle: 3

Athletic Training 2 will build on the knowledge obtained from the original athletic training class. This class will allow students to analyze, create and engage in the various strategies used by ATCs and PTs to evaluate, treat and rehabilitate athletes from the day of the injury, all the way through the athletes return to the full participation in their sport.


Grade(s): 11-12 Credit(s): 0.4 Weight: ST

Length: Year

Traditional: 13415 Periods/cycle: 2

This physically and mentally challenging course is open to junior or senior students in lieu of a regular physical education class. The course is designed to develop the knowledge and mechanics of the rules which govern various sports. The three sports covered will be: soccer, basketball and baseball/softball. Students will be able to officiate high school interscholastic sports upon completion of course requirements and testing through the Pennsylvania Interscholastic Athletic Association.


Grade(s): 10-12 Credit(s): 0.4 Weight: ST

Length: Year

Traditional: 13413 Periods/cycle: 2

Sports Psychology focuses on the performance aspect of life and how one’s mindset can either propel or hinder achievement. This course utilizes psychological knowledge and skills to examine optimal performance and well-being of students and athletes by addressing developmental and social aspects of sports participation, classroom performance and systemic issues associated with sports settings.


Grade(s): 9-12 Credit(s): 0.2 Weight: CP

Length: Semester

Traditional Periods/cycle: 2

Course numbers: 2 days/cycle, fall semester (13516)/ spring semester (13521)

Dual Enrollment: 2 credits per semester via Montgomery County Community College contingent upon yearly instructor approval.

This course allows students the opportunity to learn the benefits of strength training. It would also allow for speed and agility development. The course teaches students weight room safety and how to lift properly without injuring themselves.


Grade(s): 9-12 Credit(s): 0.2 Weight: ST

Term: Semester

Traditional Periods/cycle: 1

Course numbers:

Fall semester (13216)

Spring semester (13217)

The adaptive program is designed for the student who is unable to participate in a regular physical education program due to illness, injury or disability. A program will be developed to meet individual needs from the combined input of the physician, parent, and physical education instructor.