Business Education

Business courses provide a solid educational foundation for students who want to successfully complete college programs in various business disciplines. As the nature of work continues to change, business education becomes increasingly important to all students. The business education program prepares students to become responsible citizens, capable of making the astute economic decisions that will benefit their personal and professional lives. Students will be introduced to the basics of finance, the decision making techniques needed to be wise consumers, the economic principles of an increasingly international marketplace, and the processes by which businesses operate.

* These courses have been endorsed by Temple University and have therefore been weighted at either CP or Honors.


Grade(s): 9-12 Credit(s): 0.5 Weight: H*

Length: Semester

Prerequisite: Business Education teacher recommendation

Hybrid: 06711 Periods/cycle: 1

This course allows students to apply the principles of business communication through the completion of a business research paper and presentation for DECA competition. Students will learn business data analysis, business writing concepts, desktop publishing, and presentation techniques. DECA members competing in written events are strongly encouraged to take this course.


Grade(s): 9-12 Credit(s): 0.5 Weight: CP*

Length: Semester

Traditional: 06132 Periods/cycle: 5

Accounting 1 is the language of business and this introductory course is a valuable first step for students planning a business career, such as accounting, management, finance, and marketing. Students develop an understanding of the accounting cycle with a focus on analyzing and interpreting financial statements and how corporate financial decisions are made through the use of accounting information. Technology skills are enhanced through the use of computer software, simulated activities, and case studies.


Grade(s): 9-12 Credit(s): 0.5 Weight: H*

Length: Semester

Prerequisite: Accounting 1

Traditional: 06141 Periods/cycle: 5

Accounting 2 expands the students’ understanding of accounting subsystems and internal control procedures. The students gain experience with plant assets, depreciation, inventory, notes, and accruals; and they apply these skills to the day-to-day financial reporting and decision making of a corporation. Technology skills are enhanced through the use of computer software, simulated activities, and case studies.


Grade(s): 10-12 Credit(s): 1.0 Weight: H*

Length: Year

Prerequisite: Accounting 2

Traditional: 06151 Periods/cycle: 5

Accounting 3 expands the students’ understanding of accounting subsystems and internal control procedures. The students gain experience with the procedures for acquiring capital for growth, acquiring and expensing the costs of plant and intangible assets, and accounting for inventory costs. Included is the accounting for international sales and how to record Internet sales. Technology skills are enhanced through the use of computer software, simulated activities, and case studies as well as strategies for effective written and oral communication skills needed by accountants.


Grade(s): 9-12 Credit(s): 0.5 Weight: CP*

Length: Semester

Traditional: 06212 Periods/cycle: 5

Advertising provides an opportunity for students to learn the theory and practice of advertising and promotions. The concept of marketing communications will be explored through the understanding, identifying, evaluating, selecting and planning the various types of promotions for a target audience. As part of the course, students will develop an advertising and promotion campaign for a product.


Grade(s): 9-12 Credit(s): 1.0 Weight: CP*

Length: Year

Traditional: 06312 Periods/cycle: 5

Business Dynamics is designed for students who wish to follow a business career. This introductory course in business familiarizes students with all avenues of the business world. Students study the interaction of consumers, business and government, and the economy, consumerism, money management, and risk management. In addition, students learn about the exciting world of small business management and participate in discussions and projects relating to current events in the business world and business careers.


Grade(s): 9-12 Credit(s): 0.5 Weight: CP*

Length: Semester

Traditional: 06322 Periods/cycle: 5

Business Law addresses statutes and regulations affecting businesses, families, and individuals in their related roles. Students will learn a basic knowledge of the legal system and how business law impacts commerce in their own country and abroad. Technology and computer laws emerging importance in the workplace will be discussed. Case problems and activities will help students learn about rights, privileges, and responsibilities of consumers, workers, and citizens. This course is recommended for students interested in majoring in business in college.


Grade(s): 10-12 Credit(s): 1.0 Weight: H*

Length: Year

Prerequisite: Any one business course

Traditional: 06331 Periods/cycle: 5

Students in this course will gain practical knowledge about starting and managing a small business. This course reviews and applies entrepreneurial marketing approaches used by successful entrepreneurs. These include utilizing industry sector trends, identifying emerging customer niches, developing new products/services, using guerilla marketing strategies, and Internet and social marketing strategies. Students will explore the relationship between a well-developed marketing plan


Grade(s): 11-12 Credit(s): 1.0 Weight: CP

Length: Year

Traditional: 06532 Periods/cycle: 5

Marketing Management is at the core of operating a business and creating customer value and marketplace exchanges to benefit a business. In this course, students will learn about identifying and measuring consumers' needs and wants, assessing the competitive environment, selecting the most appropriate customer targets and developing marketing strategy and implementation programs for an offering that satisfies consumers' needs better than the competition. As part of the curriculum, students will be involved in academic preparation for competitive events in DECA.


Grade(s): 10-12 Credit(s): 1.0 Weight: AP/IB

Length: Year

Traditional: 06330 Periods/cycle: 5

The IB Diploma Program Business Management course is designed to develop students’ knowledge and understanding of

business management theories, as well as their ability to apply a range of business management tools and techniques. Students learn to analyze, discuss and evaluate business activities at local, national and international levels. The course covers a range of organizations from all sectors, as well as the socio-cultural and economic contexts in which those organizations operate. Emphasis is placed on strategic decision-making and the operational business functions of human resource management, finance and accounts, marketing and operations management. Six concepts underpin the course (change, culture, ethics, globalization, innovation and strategy), and allow students to develop their understanding of interdisciplinary concepts from a business management perspective. The course encourages the appreciation of ethical concerns, as well as issues of corporate social responsibility (CSR), at both a local and global level. Through the study of topics such as human resource management, organizational growth and business strategy, the course aims to develop transferable skills relevant to today’s students.


Grade(s): 9-12 Credit(s): 1.0 Weight: CP*

Length: Year

Traditional: 06512 Periods/cycle: 5

Sports Marketing is the business side of sports. This course encompasses planning, implementing and controlling marketing activities as they relate to athletic teams, sports venues and related products and services. Students who take this course will have a working understanding of marketing’s role in sports and sports-related organizations and will help students develop skills in applying fundamental marketing concepts.


Grade(s): 12 Credit(s): .25/.50 Weight: ST

Length: Semester

Hybrid: 06813H Periods/cycle: 1 (period 7 only)

06823H 2 (period 6/7)

Intern * Shadow * Network

The course gives our high school students the opportunity to develop an in-depth career eportfolio. Students will create the documents and practice the skills needed to network with industry professionals to obtain shadowing opportunities. Time is built into the course to allow the student to reflect in writing how their classroom learning and shadowing experiences work together to prepare them for their college experience, while also improving their ability to communicate professionally. Students scheduled periods 6 and 7 will be required to shadow/intern for 60 hours. Students scheduled period 7 will be required to shadow/intern for 40 hours.