Time Yourself

I know for many of us our inboxes are filled with many unread messages, or old messages that are no longer needed. While looking at our inboxes that are filled with all of these old messages it can feel like an overwhelming task to sort through it all. Rather than giving up completely try setting aside 15 minutes each day to sort through old e-mails. I like to do this if I am waiting for an appointment, I need a brain break from the task at hand, or first thing in the morning to get my day started. By setting aside 15 minutes you are able to get through a lot of your old emails, and the task does not feel as daunting. If 15 minutes still sounds too overwhelming try breaking it up into 3 different 5 minute sessions of email clean up. While it will take some time to get through all of the information, I can promise you will feel much less overwhelmed when you open your inbox.

Create Folders

As you are sorting through old messages, you may come across emails that are important to keep. Such as parent communication, updates to district policies, etc. To help keep your inbox clear, consider creating folders to organize messages that you must keep. Create a category for each type of message you feel is important to keep, such as parent communication. Then as emails come in, you can respond as necessary and move that message into the designated folder. The information is still readily available if needed, without cluttering up your inbox.

Assign Times to Check Email During the Day

For many of us we receive a large amount of emails on any given day. The constant influx of information can be a lot to process, especially when we you are currently occupied. Rather than stopping to respond to each email as it comes in I recommend assigning times throughout your day in which you can spend 10 - 15 minutes giving it the necessary attention it needs. That is not to say that you do not quickly glance at messages as they arrive throughout the day to ensure you are not missing urgent information. However, if the message is not something that requires your attention immediately, or something that can be responded to, or completed without causing a lot of disruption to your current task, leave it for another time in which you will be able to give it the necessary attention it needs.

Personally, I like to look at my emails first thing in the morning. This allows me to catch up on any information I may have missed overnight, while also allowing me to plan my tasks for the day. I also like to catch up on any messages around mid-day. This will ensure I am able to catch any information or tasks that came in that morning. Then once more before I leave at the end of the day. This ensures that if there are any pressing matters I know that I must put them on my schedule for the following day to ensure they are completed. While everyone's day and schedule will look different I encourage you to find small pieces of time throughout your day in which you can process any new information, and complete any tasks that are being requested. This will help you to stay up to date with all of the new information, as well as help to keep that never-ending to-do list at bay.