Physical Education & Health

**COURSE FEES: Fees are subject to change.  Class fees are collected as part of registration in August or through billing sent out by the school bookkeeper.

Lifeguard Training .................$75.00                               Sports Medicine .....................$25.00



Students can be medically excused for up to, but not beyond, 10 school days during their Physical Education class.  In the event that a medical excuse will last longer than the 10 day period, students will be given a Physician's Letter that must be completed by the physician issuing the medical excuse and returned to the student’s Physical Education teacher BEFORE the end of the 10 day period. Students will then participate in alternate physical education activities listed on the Physician’s Letter as well as be given written assignments to complete during the remaining medical days to receive credit for the course.  Failure to comply with this process will result in a failing grade and the student must re-enroll in a Physical Education class at a later time to earn the Physical Education credit.

NOTE: The physical education department reserves the right to adjust schedules due to a student’s graduation requirements, teacher availability, class size, or lack of facility throughout the four years. All grade levels will participate in physical fitness testing to see what level they are at and how much they can improve. All students will be expected to have proper physical education attire, to participate, and to make the class a positive place to be.

Swim Policy 

The Physical Education Dept at Oak Creek High School feels strongly that students should have knowledge and skills to keep themselves safe in and around water given our close proximity to multiple water areas including pools, lakes, and ponds.  It is the expectation that ALL students will participate fully in the swim units included as part of the Physical Education curriculum here at Oak Creek High School. The ONLY exceptions will be documented medicals from a physician or religious reasons.  If a student is covered by one of these two exceptions they will need to provide their teacher with the required documentation a minimum of a week prior to the swim unit and then they will be given alternate activities in the pool area that must be completed to receive the credit for each day.  The swim unit days will count as double points since there is not a separate “work habits” and “daily prep” grade for each of the swim unit days, students are either changed and in the pool or they are not. If a student not covered by a documented medical or religious reason decides not to swim they will receive a zero for each day and will have to make up those points in the pool during swim makeups offered for 2 weeks following the conclusion of the swim unit during GO Times.  After this 2 week period the zeros will remain as part of the grade.  If a student requests an alternate changing location, instead of the gender specific male and female pool area locker rooms available, they will be provided with one in the main office area or other administratively approved area so they can participate fully in the swim unit activities unless they obtain a documented medical excuse from a physician.   

All Physical Education classes offered at the high school include a swim unit

Physical Education & Health Courses

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