Task 4: Presentation

PRESENTATION- Presenting Your Explorer

You have a choice how you would like to present your explorer. Choose ONLY ONE option of how you will conduct your presentation:


Now that you and your team have become experts on your explorer, you must

present your findings to the director of the New World Historical Society

and his board of trustees. However, the director has asked your teacher and

classmates to take on the role of deputy director and deputy trustees as he

is unable to attend.

Your team will be presenting the information in the form of a talk

show (THINK: Oprah, TRL - Carson Daly, On-Air with Ryan Seacrest, etc.) In

your presentation, one member of your group must BECOME the explorer you

were studying. The other two members will become the interviewers. You and

your teammates must dress for your parts (nice clothing). You must also prepare questions

and answers for the interview. These questions and answers should address

the information you found in your research. When you present, your map

poster may be used as the backdrop.

At the conclusion of your "talk show" presentation, you should

step "out of character" and ask your audience if their are any questions

that they may still have about your explorer. Your team should be prepared

to answer any questions posed by your teacher and classmates.

You will be evaluated on delivery, accuracy and creativity. In order

to prepare, your team may want to write a script that you will follow that

includes your questions and answers. Make sure you practice in front of

your parents, friends and team members beforehand.

Option 2: Google Slide PRESENTATION

Create and present a Google Slide Presentation that

highlights the most important information about your explorer that you gathered from

your research. The Presentation will only have bullet point items that give the

audience a brief idea what your team will be discussing.

Each teammate will be responsible for creating and presenting information from the role they chose

for to research. Each person must create a slide that includes only basic

information you found. Each person will also provide additional information from that slide

written on an index card which will give the audience even more facts and knowledge about your explorer.

You will use this card to help you present your information to the audience so you are not just reading from

the powerpoint. Your team must also include whether you think your explorer, will be inducted into the

Hall of Fame or Hall of Shame exhibits and tell the audience why you came to that conclusion.

At the conclusion of your presentation, you should ask your audience if there are any questions

that they may still have about your explorer. Your team should be prepared

to answer any questions posed by your teacher and classmates. You and your teammates should

be dressed professionally (nice clothes) and should behave the same.

You will be evaluated on delivery (clear, loud voice), accuracy and creativity. In order

to prepare, your team may want to write a script that you will follow that

includes the order of how you want to present your slides. Make sure you practice in front of

your parents, friends and team members beforehand.

Internet Links

Tip on giving oral presentations:
