Task 3- Writing Mini Biography

Task 3

WRITING - Explorer's Mini Biography

As a final portion of your assignment, the director of the New World 
Historical Society and his board of trustees would like your team will 
create a short comprehensive report on your explorer in the form of a mini 
  This short chapter book will include the information that you and your team found 
in your research.  As with any book, this mini biography must include a 
cover, a table of contents, chapters that talk about the life and adventures 
of your explorer, and a bibliography that shows where you got your 
 To develop the chapter that discuss the life and adventures of your 
explorer you will need to take the information you have gathered in your 
Tree Map and turn this into paragraphs within these chapters.

***If you are choosing to complete this project by building a website, you must have different pages or drop-down menus so the viewer can go through the website easily, as though it were a book. 

Use the Categories under your Tree Map as Headings for these chapter.  Some 
suggested heading may be:

A.) Early Life ( This can include the information from your Tree Map 
categories labeled Birthplace and Explorer's Family Life)

B.) Schooling and Training ( This may include information from Schooling and 
Military Affiliation)

C.) Organizing the Expedition (This may include information from Explorer's 
Sponsor and the Importance of the Expedition)

D.) The Voyage (This may include the Travel Routes Taken and the Significant 
events on the Expedition)

E.) Contributions to the World (This might include information from 
Explorer's Demise, Contributions to the World Today and Other Important 

F.) Treatment of Native People (This may include information about how your
Explorer and his crew treated the  Native people of the new places they claimed
for their country. I expect you to use inferencing to determine this, but you 
must use evidence to support your reasoning).
Using correct spelling, capitalization and punctuation will demonstrate your 
professionalism before the director and his board of trustees.  HINT: 
Professionalism leads to a greater reward in the end!
Internet Resources:

For an easy-to-follow guide to writing biographies try:
For an easy-to-follow guide to writing biographies try: