Tasks and Jobs

Overview of tasks:

Your team's job is to research the life and contributions 
of your explorer using multiple resources that are 
available to you 
How are you going to share these tasks? All persons need to participate in each task. 
(i.e. textbooks, books from the library, 
the Internet and encyclopedias).

Task 1:

To organize the information that your team will collect, you will build a

Tree Map using your findings.

The classification categories within your Tree Map should include:

1.) Birthplace

2.) Schooling (where and when)

3.) Military or Royal affiliation

4.) Explorer's family life

5.) Explorer's sponsor/Funding situation/Funding difficulties

6.) Importance of their expedition

7.) Travel routes taken

8.) Significant events on expedition

9.) Explorer's demise

10.) Discovery's Contribution to the World Today

11.) Explorer's treatment of native people

12.) Other Important Facts about the Explorer

Task 2:

Your team must create a map of your explorer's journey which should include

the sea routes taken and the continents this explorer visited. This map

must also include labels for the sea and land barriers they crossed as well

as a key and symbols to show their voyage. In the right hand corner of the

map you must a picture of your explorer. You can use Google Art application or draw it by hand.

Task 3:

Your team will to create a presentation of your findings either in a

Powerpoint Presentation, or in the form of a talk show.

This will be done before the director of the New World

Historical Society and the board of trustees (your teacher and your


Task 4:

Your team will submit a report on your findings in the form of

a short biography of your explorer and his adventures. You will use the

information from TASK 1 to complete this.