Steps to Complete

Step 1

You and two other students must decide which explorer you feel should be 
added to the New World Historical Society's EXPLORER HALL OF FAME 
OR HALL of SHAME. You will decide which Hall they will be entered into AFTER you do your research. 

**Please note: You will have the option to complete this assignment by creating a website OR using the methods given for this assignment. 

Step 2

After choosing an explorer, your team will research the life and 
accomplishments of your explorer using textbooks, books from the library, 
the Internet, encyclopedias and any other resources that may be at your 
disposal.  As you learn information about your explorer, you will complete 
an explorer research packet using the questions detailed in the explanation 
of the tree map. You may assign certain questions for each team member to 
complete; however, each member must have a complete research packet. Be sure 
to keep a record of the resources you use including web addresses and book 
information to be used in a bibliography.  

Step 3

After all the research has been compiled by your team, you will be required 
to build a Tree Map using specific categories to organize your information. 
Each category is based on the information gathered by answering each 
research question. An example of the Tree Map is located at the bottom of 
this page.

Step 4

As a group, your team will design a map of your explorer's journey which 
should include the sea routes taken and the continents this explorer 
visited.  This map must also include labels for the sea and land barriers 
they crossed as well as a key and symbols to show their voyage.  Also, in 
the right hand corner of the map, you must include a hand drawn picture of 
your explorer.  

Step 5

Your team will be presenting the information you've acquired in the form of 
a talk show.  This will be done before the director of the New World 
Historical Society and the board of trustees (your teacher and your 
classmates). In your presentation, one member of your group must BECOME the 
explorer you were studying.  The other two members will become the 
interviewers. Your map poster may be used as the backdrop. You must dress 
for your part.  You must prepare questions and answers for your interview.  
These questions and answers should address the information you found in your 
research. At the conclusion of your "talk show" presentation, your team 
should be prepared to answer any questions posed by your teacher and 

Step 6 
Decide Board how you will present your Explorer to the 
Your team will create a report or on your explorer in the form of a short 
biography.  This short chapter book will include the information that you 
found in your research from TASK 1.  These books must include: a cover, a table of 
contents, chapters that talk about the life and adventures of your explorer, 
and a bibliography that shows where you got your information. 
This must be typed in a word document and use complete sentences with proper 