Task 2- Map Making

Task 2

Map Making of Your Explorers Voyage:

 The director of the New World Historical Society and his board of trustees 
would like for your team to create a map that depicts the voyage that your 
chosen explorer took.

In order to provide the clearest and most informative map possible, your map 
must include:

A.) Bodies of water and Land masses crossed.
B.) Routes taken on your explorer's journey.  
C.) Labels for the continents, water bodies, landforms and dates of voyages.
D.) A Key and Symbols for landforms and routes taken
E.) Compass 
F.) A hand drawn picture or a picture from the internet of your explorer in 
the top right hand corner of your map.

Be sure to refer to Internet sites, books on your explorer, atlases and 
encyclopedias to gather information for your map. 

Internet Resources for Maps:

Use Google DRAW to insert a picture/ image of a map and them draw and label all the information needed using the tools. 

For maps and actvities related to exploration and sea routes use this site:

Since some maps include topographic features, your team might refer to 
relief maps. Maps can be found at:

For activities related to map making try:

For comprehensive maps and information relating to explorer's voyages 

IF all else fails, you can go to google.com and try an advanced 
search of your explorer to find his travel route. YOU MUST SEE THE TEACHER BEFORE THIS OR YOU WILL NOT GET POINTS. 
go to the advanced search