Hall of Fame


Hall of Shame?

New World Historical Society


New World Historical Society unveils plans for new explorer exhibits; seeks assistance from research experts.

You have been summoned by the director of the New World Historical

Society to aid in their efforts to expand their "Age of Exploration"

exhibit. They intend to open a new EXPLORER HALL OF FAME for individuals

who have made notable contributions to the "discovery" and exploration of

the "New World."

Along with the HALL OF FAME, the historical society has decided to designate

a section of this exhibit for those explorers who, in addition to their discoveries,

may be qualified to be placed in the HALL OF SHAME.

However, before any explorers can be admitted into the

EXPLORER HALL OF FAME or SHAME, each explorer's life long contributions

must be presented to the director and his board of trustees.

This is where you come in!

You are hereby commissioned to investigate the life and

contributions of an explorer that you deem worthy of the EXPLORER HALL OF

FAME OR SHAME. You will need to become an expert on the accomplishments of your

explorer. In doing so, you must pay close attention to your resources and

be sure that you understand the significance of your explorer's

contributions. This task will not be easy; therefore, the New World

Historical Society asks the you work with a team to complete this task.

Rest assured: your hard work will not go unnoticed!!