AOTA Lifestyle Redesign Badge


Following completion of the USC Lifestyle Redesign course series, I sought to continue my knowledge in lifestyle redesign. The AOTA digital badging program stood out as a unique way to further expand my emerging expertise in this area. Moreover, the digital badging program provided a concrete means to demonstrate my competence as a holistic practitioner. The AOTA lifestyle redesign badge program nicely complemented my foundational knowledge obtained through the USC Lifestyle Redesign course series, though went into greater depth with the well-elderly population, as opposed to chronic health populations. Though I continue to currently practice exclusively in pediatrics, I once again found value and applicability of the principles to my own patient population. The course emphasized themes of longevity, stress management, home safety, and navigating health care, which hold great significance to the pediatric patient and family system. The course also challenges practitioners to reframe the concept of "thriving" and the ways through which lifestyle based interventions enable this across the lifespan. When considering preventative occupational therapy, I could not help but think what better time to start than youth?