NVRHS Equity, Climate, and Culture Statement

NVRHS Equity, Climate, and Culture Statement

We, at Northern Valley Regional High School, provide an environment in which each student seeks answers to questions, challenges assumptions, and develops self-worth. The school encourages individual academic excellence, aesthetic appreciation and moral integrity. Recognition of academic and cultural diversity promotes mutual respect and acceptance. Northern Valley promotes a culture of inquiry in all classrooms and all spaces. We value an inclusive education that fosters social-emotional growth as well as academic rigor. Teachers and students who engage in meaningful dialogues are enriched by empathy and insight. When everyone has a voice, everyone is empowered to learn.


We understand that silence in the face of bias and/or racism is complicity, and vow to speak up against any and all instances of prejudice and discrimination by gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, disability, and more. Microaggressions and prejudiced commentary masked as ‘jokes,’ and bigotry have no place in our district. As such, our learning community is actively committed to working together to deconstruct racism, bias, and prejudice in all forms and continually foster and improve the cultural health and well-being of our students, staff, and community.

Our learning community acknowledges the feelings of anxiety, rage, and helplessness that people may be experiencing. Our society has a variety of social constructs that divide and categorize humans which have laid the foundation for discrimination and bias. Racism, and all forms of hatred, are abhorrent. Discrimination, whether driven by a personal bias against race, sex, religion, sexual orientation, gender, ethnicity, or disability has no place in our district. Our entire learning community is encouraged and empowered to speak up against racism and discrimination whenever and wherever it may arise. We are both compelled and obligated to do so.