Disciplinary Point System / Administrative Guidelines

Any student, who practices good, responsible school citizenship, has nothing to fear from the point system. Any student with 36 or more points will forfeit his or her privileges.

1. Failure to report to the office when tardy to school (failure to sign in at the attendance office)

2. Student in halls, lavatory, or unauthorized areas of the building without permission or pass

3. Inappropriate conduct

4. Inappropriate Language

The use of the following, either spoken, written, computer generated, or on apparel, is not permitted:


5. Use of *Hate Speech, either spoken, written, computer generated, or on apparel, is not permitted.


* Hate speech is defined as any kind of communication in speech, writing, or behavior, that deliberately attacks a person or a group based on their religion, ethnicity, nationality, race, color, descent, gender, or disability, that a reasonable person should know would cause harm.

6. Insubordination to staff

7. Cheating/Plagiarism

8. Truancy BOE Policy 5113 - Absence without authorization 

9. Cutting compensatory education, tutoring, or teacher detention

10. Leaving the building or being in parking areas or any unauthorized areas without permission

11. Vandalism anywhere on school grounds or in the school building

12. Fighting 

13. Unsportsmanlike conduct and inappropriate behavior at any school activity

14. Forgery or alteration of school papers, records, or school passes

15. Careless driving or violations of parking regulations

16. Inappropriate conduct while on, boarding, or leaving a school bus

17. Theft anywhere on school property or on school-sponsored trips/events

18. Use of  tobacco in the building, on school grounds, or at a school-sponsored event

19. Possession of tobacco products in the building, on school grounds, or at a school-sponsored event

20.  Possession of/ use of e-cigarettes or vape paraphernalia in the building, on school grounds, or at a school-sponsored event

21. Violation of Network Computer Policy (BOE 3514.1) or AUP

22. Unauthorized photographic, video, or audio recording of staff or student(s). Student may not use any devices to record, transmit or post photos or video of any person without their knowledge and consent.

23. Creating or using a private internet connection to bypass our network

24. Theft of laptop or false claim of theft

25. Cutting class

26. Endangering the welfare of a student or staff member inclusive of threatening behavior 

27. Assault of a student or staff member or causing injury 

28. Failure to show a student ID card

29. Use of cell phone/electronic device

30. Security Breach - Opening doors to allow unauthorized entry

31. Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying (HIB)

The administration reserves the right to assign additional penalties depending on the severity of the infraction. The administration also reserves the right to suspend, limit or revoke computer privileges depending on the infraction. If a student is charged by law enforcement with a crime in or out of school, the administration reserves the right to review the charge in light of safety and security concerns, and participation in co-curricular and extracurricular activities, including athletics, may be impacted or restricted as participation in these activities is a privilege. At the end of each marking period, any student who has not completed their detentions will forfeit their privileges until the obligations are fulfilled.

All points accumulated in June WILL BE carried over into the following year.