
This project was easy, but as I'm a perfectionist. I wanted to find the perfect configuration within the light, the intensity, and the black points. I really wanted the photos to look different from the original. Making the photos black and white makes your photos more detailed in a way even if it takes a way some aspects from the photo. I also learned a lot in the post production of the photos.

I took this photo from the texture assignment. In the original photo the shadows are flat, but making the photo black and white emphasizes the texture of the metal. The viewer can clearly see the texture.

The green, the bronze, and the blue in the original photo is a little distracting from the focal point which are the stairs. In the monochrome photo the stairs are more emphasized and the shadows give it a nice repetition with the shadow, giving the photo movement.

In the original photo the pebbles are lost within the background, however making it monograph makes the pebbles pop and offers a stronger focal point .