Informal Portraiture

Taking portraits of people is something I was really looking forward to learn about. Everyone appreciates a great picture of them, and I'm glad to provide people with great photos. This assignment isn't as easy as it sounds, in the sense that I still had to find a good background and direct my classmate to do different poses. No one in our class is a model so I had to find inspiration from pictures online so my Daniel wouldn't look tense and unnatural. It was really hard to find the right lighting because it would either be to dark or to bright, so I decided to shoot in shutter priority so I can control the light exposure.

In this photo uses the rule of thirds by keeping Daniel in the middle. I also purposely put his whole body in the photo to keep it balanced with the neutral background.

I took this photo in the shade so I had to use a slower shutter speed to get enough light in to the camera. This photo also uses the rule of thirds because Daniel's face is in the top right corner leading your eyes to his face.

The background of this photo is completely out of focus which in turn turns Daniel into a really strong focal point.