Shutter Speed

Part 2

This assignment has been the hardest one thus far because I had to keep adjusting the shutter speed and aperture to get a good picture. It was also difficult to find inspiration because I didn't want to just take photos of someone walking or jumping, so I felt frustrated at times because of my lack of creativity. By the end, I kinda got the hang of it and was able to capture some cool photos with my newfound knowledge on slow shutter speed.

This photo was quite simple to capture, but I had to make sure Simon kept his body still as he pressed the elevator button. There are mainly cool-toned colors, with the slight burst of the red button. If I could change one thing, I would attempt to capture the elevator door opening to get it's movement in the photo.

This picture is composed of both geometric and organic shapes, which allows for balance. Simon adds movement to the otherwise still scene, and we can see a lot of vertical lines in the background.

It was a bit hard to get this photo because the sun was so bright and I was worried about my actual subject washing out. However, there's a great use of the rule of thirds that clearly outlines Simon as the focal point.