NSM Business Handbook
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Purpose: Expenditures, Personnel/Payroll, Cash Receipts, Financial Reporting/Budgeting & Certification Standards.
Purpose: Procedures for the handling of cash receipts are designed to provide accountability for moneys received in accordance with accepted standards of internal controls.
Purpose: Procedures for departmental computing are designed to provide accountability for computer usage in accordance with accepted standards of internal controls.
Purpose: This document sets forth requirements applicable to all contractual instruments for services.
Purpose: To maintain a strict policy and procedures of credit cards -P-Cards and T-Cards.
Purpose: The reconciliation of department cost centers are needed to minimize the risk of unauthorized use of funds and to ensure that revenues are properly recorded. Therefore, entries in...
Purpose: The policy is set forth to minimize the risk of unauthorized use of funds on federal, federal flow-through, foundation and other private grants and contract projects, and to ensure that cost on these projects are within the...
Purpose: To maintain a strict control and reporting of the distribution and maintenance of keys.
Purpose: To maintain a strict control over annual mandatory training and job-related training.
Purpose: To provide the College with procedures and guidelines for non-tenure track faculty hiring that is in accordance with University and College policies.
Purpose: This document sets forth requirements for maintaining and updating employee personal information.
Purpose: Procedures for the handling of petty cash are designed to provide accountability for moneys received in accordance with accepted standards of internal controls .
Purpose: The purpose of this document is to provide guidelines for the proper management and control of university property.
Purpose: The College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics administers financial aid awards int he form of competitive scholarships, non-competitive scholarships, tuition and fee payments, and stipends.
Purpose: To provide departmental policy and procedures for telecommunication and long distance reporting.
Purpose: To provide the College with procedures and guidelines for tenure track faculty hiring that is in accordance with University and College policies.
Purpose: To provide the College with Procedures and Guidelines for Travel and Cash Advances.