
 Tuesday, February 4, 2025, at 4:30 PM: Families CCAN Cook (virtual via Zoom)

Offered in 6-week sets, Families CCAN Cook provides guided sessions (hosted on Zoom) for individuals with disabilities and a family member or support person to prepare a balanced and nutritious dinner in one hour - in the comfort of their own kitchen! We focus on dishes with few ingredients and simple steps.

Make dinner with Chef Mary on Tuesday from 4:30-5:30 pm from the comfort of your own kitchen! Easy recipes, delicious meals. A welcoming on-line community. 

More information;  Registration link  

 Thursday, February 6, 2025 from 2:00-3:00 PM: Voices of Experience: Family Stories and Essential Resources for Transitioning Students with Disabilities (Virtual Webinar)

In this impactful webinar sponsored by NTACT:C and the RAISE Center, families of students with disabilities and other stakeholders, including professionals from education and vocational rehabilitation, will hear directly from others who have navigated the transition from high school to adult life. Personal stories from parents and caregivers will provide valuable insights into the challenges, triumphs, and practical strategies they’ve used along the way.

Additionally, the session will highlight key resources, tools, and support networks offered by Parent and Training Information Centers (PTIs) across the country. These centers play a critical role in providing families with the information and guidance they need to access services, plan for the future, and advocate for their child's success. Join us for this empowering session, where real-life experiences meet expert advice to help guide families through the transition journey.

Training Objectives:

Registration information

 Friday, February 7, 2025: Night to Shine at Immanuel Leidy's Church

Immanuel Leidy's Church has partnered with the Tim Tebow Foundation again to host this amazing event on the evening of February 7, 2024, 6-9pm

Guest registration for Night to Shine 2025 at Leidy's Church is full. Please email bucksmontNTS@gmail.com if you would like to be added to the email distribution list for next year's event. 

VOLUNTEER:  We need many volunteers to help us with this special night! Complete the steps below to sign up as a volunteer:

To learn more about Night to Shine, visit TimTebowFoundation.org/Night-to-Shine/ 

 Tuesday, February 11, 2025, at 4:30 PM: Families CCAN Cook (virtual via Zoom)

Offered in 6-week sets, Families CCAN Cook provides guided sessions (hosted on Zoom) for individuals with disabilities and a family member or support person to prepare a balanced and nutritious dinner in one hour - in the comfort of their own kitchen! We focus on dishes with few ingredients and simple steps.

Make dinner with Chef Mary on Tuesday from 4:30-5:30 pm from the comfort of your own kitchen! Easy recipes, delicious meals. A welcoming on-line community. 

More information;  Registration link  

 Tuesday, February 11, 2025, from 7:00-8:00 PM: PA ABLE: Investing in Your Future

Learn about the PA ABLE Savings Program!


A PA ABLE Savings Program account gives individuals with qualified disabilities (Eligible Individuals) and their families and friends a tax-free way to save for a wide range of disability-related expenses, while maintaining important benefits. The state and federal tax-free investment options are offered to encourage Eligible Individuals and their families to save private funds to support health, independence, and quality of life.  Some of the topics that we will discuss include: eligibility requirements for opening a PA ABLE account, the federal and state tax benefits of PA ABLE, and how PA ABLE account interacts with current benefits.


If you require accommodations to participate in this webinar, please contact us at info@paable.gov.

Registration information

 Wednesday, February 12, 2025, from 3:00-4:30 PM: PA Family Network presents: Using the LifeCourse to Plan and Problem Solve-Part 1

Join the PA Family Network in this interactive workshop to: Identify service/supports so your loved one can live an Everyday Life. Learn to use the LifeCourse framework and tools to plan for your future 


 Saturday, February 15, 2025, from 10:00 AM-12:00 PM: Love Without Limits Workshop: Understanding Healthy & Safe Relationships for Individuals in the IDD/A Community

Location: The Arc Alliance, 3075 Ridge Pike, Eagleville, PA 19403

Love without limits is a workshop meant to help understand healthy & safe relationships among the IDD/A community. This workshop has 3 sessions: A caregiver session, a self-advocate session, and a professional session. These session cover topics such as: Being in a relationship, consent, private vs. public, online safety, responding to behaviors, and more! 

3 Sessions:

What You Will Learn: communication; internet and social media; being in a relationship; private vs. public; the role as a parent; interests, behaviors, and concerns; responding to behaviors; boundaries; and answering questions

More information and registration

 Tuesday, February 18, 2025, at 4:30 PM: Families CCAN Cook (virtual via Zoom)

Offered in 6-week sets, Families CCAN Cook provides guided sessions (hosted on Zoom) for individuals with disabilities and a family member or support person to prepare a balanced and nutritious dinner in one hour - in the comfort of their own kitchen! We focus on dishes with few ingredients and simple steps.

Make dinner with Chef Mary on Tuesday from 4:30-5:30 pm from the comfort of your own kitchen! Easy recipes, delicious meals. A welcoming on-line community. 

More information;  Registration link  

 Wednesday, February 19, 2025, from 3:00-4:30 PM: PA Family Network presents: Using the LifeCourse to Plan and Problem Solve-Part 2

Join the PA Family Network in this interactive workshop to: Identify service/supports so your loved one can live an Everyday Life. Learn to use the LifeCourse framework and tools to plan for your future 


 Saturday, February 22, 2025, from 9:00-11:00 AM: PA Family Network presents: Waiver Basics- Part 1

Join the PA Family Network in this 2-part workshop to learn how waivers can support your loved one. 

Target Audience: Families with individuals just entering the system 

Registration link 

 Saturday, February 22, 2025, from 9:00-11:00 AM: PA Family Network presents: Waiver Basics- Part 2

Join the PA Family Network in this 2-part workshop to learn how waivers can support your loved one. 

Target Audience: Families with individuals just entering the system 

Registration link 

 Monday, February 24, 2025, from 7:00-8:30 PM: Families CCAN Resource Meeting: Getting Your Own Place Myths and Facts, Part 2

Join us to learn about Housing from Self Advocates United as One (SAU1) Power Coaches!

For the past year and a half, Families CCAN and SAU1  have been working on a grant project .  This project is funded by the  Pennsylvania Developmental Disabilities Council. To learn more about this project, click here.

This presentation  will share some common myths about housing for people with disabilities, and then help to explain why those myths are not true.

This presentation is the second in a series.

You do not need to have attended the first Housing Myths and Facts presentation in order to attend this presentation.

If you would like to watch the first presentation in this series, you can find it here in our archives.  It is the March 2024 recording. 

This will be an informative and interactive presentation geared towards older teens and adults with disabilities, as well as their families, and the professionals who support them. 

More information;  Registration link  

Wednesday, February 26, 2025, from 6:30-8:30PM: PA Family Network presents: Transitions Through the Lifespan

Join the PA Family Network in this interactive workshop to: 
