Students in the Northwood School summer STEM program learned many electronics skills, then built their own electronic temperature sensors and data collectors. They will launch them to near-space on July 19, 2018. This project is in collaboration with Coe Brown Northwood Academy, Timberlane Regional High School, and the Space Science Department at the University of New Hampshire.

This map shows the actual track of the payload from the launch site in Northwood to the landing site in Durham.

View from payload at CBNA liftoff

View of Durham area during descent

Northwood School team members holding their instrument package

Northwood team presents instrument package at UNH meeting

Students built this data collector and precision temperature sensor.

Soldering practice

Rogue One Liftoff 2018r2.mp4

Final inspection of practice board

Launch at CBNA

Seconds after launch

View from high altitude. Notice Cape Cod, Boston Harbor, our atmosphere and the blackness of space.

Edge of Space.mp4

View of Earth from near-space