School Board Page

School Board Member Contact Information

Brian Winslow, Chair:

Stephanie Arroyo, Vice Chair:

School Board Group Email Address:

Board Member Committee Assignments:

CBNA Education Committee: Shane Wells

Budget Committee Representative: Brian Winslow

NHSBA Delegate: Jessica Boudreau

Superintendent's Evaluation Committee: Brian Winslow

Communication Committee: Stephanie Arroyo

Emergency Management Committee: Stephanie Arroyo and Shane Wells

Teacher Negotiation Committee: Stephanie Arroyo and Jessica Boudreau

Support Staff Negotiation Committee: Stephanie Arroyo and Jessica Boudreau

Facilities Committee: Stephanie Arroyo

Calendar Committee: TBD

Clubs Committee: Jessica Boudreau

Technology Committee: Stephanie Arroyo

Athletic Committee: Shane Wells

Policy Committee: Brian Winslow