
Welcome to our NKCES Special Education online learning options!

In this section, we have trainings to support:

  • Behavior: strategies and data collection tools

  • Social Emotional Learning & Trauma Informed Care: overview and strategies to support students using SEL & TIC

To dive into the training options, click on the "Behavior" tab and choose a subtab to explore.

in the Behavior subtab:

*1.5 hours of PD/EILA

This training demonstrates methods of behavior observation, data collection, and graphing appropriate for all grade levels and school settings.

in the Social Emotional Learning & Trauma Informed Care subtab:

*1.5 hrs PD/EILA

In this training, discover the latest resources to support your classroom or school as you build Trauma Sensitive practices and increase your social emotional learning resources. This training is full of links to new resources as well as recommendations for incorporating new strategies into your daily instruction. NOTE: This training also provides strategies for supporting your own mental health and social-emotional well-being. Great for PLCs and staff meetings!