Creating a Parent/Guardian Account

To get started, you will need the parent/guardian "access keys" which were mailed prior to the start of the school year. If you do not have these access keys, please contact your child's school building to have another copy mailed.

Navigate to the Parent Portal login page

The Parent/Student Portal can be found at the following web address:

Once you are at the login screen, click on the "Create Account" tab at the top, then the "Create Account" button:

Specify your Account Information

On the next screen, complete the "Parent Account" form, including your first and last name, email address, and desired username and password. We recommend that you use your full email address as the username, to avoid confusion later on.

Enter Access Keys for All Children

Below the "Parent Account" form, there are spaces provided for the Access Keys (Access IDs and Access Passwords) which you were previously provided via postal mail. You will need at least one Access Key in order to successfully create an account. For each key, enter a "Student Name" which will be used to identify this student in your account, as well as your relationship with the student.

If you do not have these access keys, please contact your child's school building, and they will re-mail them. 

When you are finished, click the "Enter" button at the bottom of this page.

Verify the account and Log In

If there were no issues, you should be brought back to the login page, with the following message displayed:

You can now log into your newly created account using the username and password that you specified.