Care & Cleaning

Cleaning the Chromebook

  • Never use bleach or other harsh chemical cleaners.

  • You may use non-bleach disinfectant wipes. (Damp only, not heavily saturated)

  • Information Technology recommends using a somewhere between a 60/40 and 70/30 percent blend of 91%+ isopropyl alcohol and water.

Step 1 – Completely power down your Chromebook. When you open the Chromebook it is likely the device will power on. Use the Shut Down option on the screen to shut the device down or the power button on the side of the Chromebook. (The lights on the side of the device will be off if the device is off.)

Step 2 – Disconnect any cables, dongles or peripherals that are plugged into your Chromebook.

Step 3 – Dampen a clean soft cloth with the isopropyl alcohol water blend or use a disinfectant wipe. Make sure the cloth or wipe is damp, not saturated. Never put a liquid solution directly on your Chromebook.

Step 4 – Wipe down the entire Chromebook, including the screen and around each key of the keyboard with the damp cloth or wipe. Use a small amount of pressure to remove any fingerprints or smudges on the screen, but do not use too much pressure as this could damage the screen.

Step 5 – After everything is dry, you can use a dry microfiber cloth to buff the screen and remove any haze that might be lingering on the display.