Chat: How to text chat

This document is intended to show students and teachers how to chat with one another using Hangouts Chat. This will be a step-by-step process including instructions with associated pictures to make it easy to follow.

  1. Sign into Google using your * account

2. Click the ‘Google apps’ icon next to your account logo

3. Click on the ‘Chat’ icon

4. If this is your first time using Chat you may see a ‘Welcome Screen’. Click next to read more about the product or skip to go straight into using Chat

5. A pop-up may appear asking if you want to allow notifications for Chat messages. This will allow them to show up directly in your browser. Click ‘Not now’ or ‘Turn on notifications’ according to your preference.

6. In the left side-panel click ‘Find people, rooms, bots’. Choose ‘Group message’

7. Now type a student or teacher’s name and it will appear in the field below the search box

8. Click ‘Message’ next to the name of the teacher or student you would like to chat with

9. You will now be brought into the chat window. Begin typing your message where it says ‘Message A “___”’

Following the instructions in this document, users should now be able to chat between teachers and students successfully. If there are any issues, please contact IT support.