General FAQ

Frequently Asked QUESTIONS

The teacher sent me information. How do I access this on my child's ChromeBook?

The District ChromeBooks do not allow personal email accounts to login to them. To access that information:

    1. Have your child login (or help them with it)

    2. Open Chrome

    3. Click the 3 dots in the top corner

    4. Select the appropriate items

      1. For District Calendar and Resources

        • Click Drive

        • Click “Shared With me”

        • The first one should say “#1-FOLDER- PUBLIC- NCSD Folder with Parent and Self-Guided Resources for Learning”

        • Select the appropriate Folders to get to your child's folder

      2. For attending a Google Meet, select Google Meet

      3. For accessing the Classroom, select Google Classroom

Can I borrow a ChromeBook from the school?

Yes, please email us at to begin the process.

Are there other platforms teachers can use for virtual meetings other than Google Meets?

No. In order to be sure that we are following the law regarding student data privacy and security, we may only use Google Meet as part of the G Suite for Education.

My Internet connectivity is not good. What guidance or suggestions would help?

Google Meet is only one format for instruction and it may not be possible for everyone to participate frequently. Try it when you can.

Contact your provider to see if you need updated equipment. Remind them that you have child dependents in need of online instruction.

In what situations are printed materials provided?

Currently, we are providing printed materials to families who do not have access to online materials.

We are not able to provide printers for families who wish to print at home but do not have a printer.

How can we address concerns related to the amount of screen time that students are having?

Children should find a balance of screen time, school work, exercise, and fun activities. If they don’t get to all of their assignments every day, that is OK.

What support is in place to overcome language barriers between teachers and parents/families?

Each ENL teacher has been in contact with their building faculty to check in on kids, offer assistance and be available as needed for any family with a translation need.

Some students are having trouble engaging because there are too many distractions at home. What steps can we take to alleviate this?

Remind students that even small amounts of time devoted to school work is good.

What should be in my Chromebook bag?

  • Chromebook Charger/charger cord (in the front zippered pouch)

  • Headphones (in the front zippered pouch)

What should NOT be in my Chromebook bag?

Anything else (NO pencils, pens, food, drinks, papers, cell phones, etc.)

What if my Chromebook is broken?

Tell any team teacher and they will provide you with directions on what to do.

Your Chromebook is broken if...

  • Key buttons don’t work or come out

  • Mousepad doesn’t move smoothly

  • Cracked screen

  • Computer doesn’t turn on

Do I need to bring my Chromebook every day?

Yes, it needs to be in school and charged on a daily basis, unless directed by your homeroom teacher.

Do I bring my Chromebook home every night?

Yes, it should be brought home and charged every night.

Can we use our personal email on the Chromebook?

No. You can only log in using your niskyschools account. You should not access personal emails or accounts through the Chromebook.