Latest changes and additions to the microsite

14 June 2024:  RDN Board page, Transformation Engagement Working Group (TEWG) May Update and TEWG contact form added.

11 June 2024: Vision page further updated to include refreshed Organisational Maturity slides.

31 May 2024: Vision page updated, May RDN Board Key Messages added to the Monthly Update Briefings page, schedule of upcoming meetings and topics for discussion added to NIHR CRN All Staff Meetings page, and RDN Nomenclature page added to Supporting Information section.

24 May 2024: Transformation Engagement Working Group pages added, additional confirmed appointees details updated on RDN Transition pages, and additional dates for Transformation drop-ins added.

10 May 2024: Recording from 7 May All staff meeting and additional RDN Questions and Answers added.

30 April 2024: RDN Implementation Update for March/April 2024 and RDN Board Key Messages added to the Monthly Update Briefings page.

26 April 2024: National Specialty and Settings Leads subpage added under RDN Transition section. 

23 April 2024:  Springboard delivery commitments for October 2024 linked from  the Springboard Transformation Programme page.

27 March 2024: RDN Transformation section restructured and additional pages added to make navigation easier; new pages for Vision, Talking Transformation and The Transformation Programme.

20 March 2024: Two new 'Talking Transformation' videos added.

5 March 2024: Recording of 28 February meeting added to NIHR CRN All Staff Meetings page.

1 March 2024: Springboard Transformation Programme section added.

27 February 2024: February RDN Update Briefing added to Monthly RDN Update Briefings page.

26 February 2024: Additional dates added for RDN Transformation virtual drop-in sessions

22 February 2024: Call for volunteer for RDN Transformation Engagement Working Group added to Opportunities to get involved page.

12 February 2024: 'Talking Transformation' videos added to the RDN Transformation page and Wellbeing support information added to the site homepage.

6 February 2024: RDN Questions and Answers page added. This page incorporates questions and answers previously included on the RRDN Questions and Answers page, which has therefore been deleted.

31 January 2024: RDN Monthly Update Briefing page added, including a link to the first published edition (January 2024), and Regional RDNs timeline updated to reflect minor changes.

26 January 2024: Recording of 22 January meeting added to NIHR CRN All Staff Meetings page, along with information about earlier all staff meeting and briefings.

22 January 2024: Information on RDN Vision workshop outcomes and successes added to the Opportunities to get involved page. 'Vision for the future' section on the RDN Transformation page amended to include information on "Maturity Flowers", a visual way of describing how different people expect to experience the new RDN.

16 January 2024: Details of upcoming Virtual RDN Transformation drop-in sessions added to the RDN Transformation Opportunities to get involved page.

4 January 2024: Recording of 19 December all staff meeting added to new Network-wide all staff meetings page.

20 December 2023: Microsite navigation and structure amended.

18 December 2023: RDN Coordinating Centre (RDNCC) Transition page amended to include RDNCC structure.

12 December 2023: Microsite navigation and structure amended.

4 December 2023: RDN Coordinating Centre (RDNCC) Service Specification and Draft Contract Schedule 2 documents added to the Supporting Information page.

13 November 2023: RDN Transformation page added including an visual showing how you can get involved and details for signing up to workshops running from November 2023.

10 October 2023: RDN Service Design update added to the Regional Research Delivery Networks (RRDNs) Transition page.

25 September 2023: Site launched including 'vision' materials: two page leaflet, video, recording of 7 Sept all staff briefing, slides and narrative.