Regional Research Delivery Networks (RRDNs) Transition

The NIHR Research Delivery Network (RDN) is being established in April 2024 to build on the success of the current Clinical Research Network (CRN). The NIHR RDN will operate as one organisation across England, through a network of 12 Regional Research Delivery Networks (RRDNs) and a central Coordinating Centre (RDNCC). The RDNCC service will commence in April 2024 and the RRDNs in October 2024. 

This page covers the role and geographies of the RRDNs, as well as the work currently being undertaken to transition from 15 Local Clinical Research Networks (LCRNs) to 12 RRDNs.

Purpose of the RRDNs

The 12 NIHR Regional Research Delivery Networks (RRDNs) will have three key roles. 

NIHR RRDNs will need to develop excellent relationships with the organisations commissioning and providing health and social care across their regions, which are mapped onto NHS regions and integrated care systems. They will help support research undertaken by those providers and at sites across the region, and promote research meeting the needs of local populations. NIHR RRDNs will work together with an RDN national Coordinating Centre to support health and care research for the benefit of patients, the health and care system and the economy as a whole.

Geographic configuration of the RRDNs

There are 12 Regional Research Delivery Networks (RRDNS) with footprints within the 7 NHSE regions.

Geography of the new RRDNs (slides) provides more information.

A - North East and North Cumbria. B - Yorkshire and Humber. C - North West. D - East Midlands. E - West Midlands. F - East of England. G - North London. H - South London. I - South Central. J - South East. K - South West Central. L - South West Peninsula

The 12 RRDN regions (pictured above) are:

A. North East and Cumbria

B. Yorkshire and Humber

C. North West

D. East Midlands

E. West Midlands

F. East of England

G. North London

H. South London

I. South Central

J. South East

K. South West Central

L. South West Peninsula

RRDN Host Organisations

An open competition to select Host Organisations for the new RRDNs ran between Oct 2022 and Mar 2023. Hosts were selected by April 2023 and these were publicly announced by the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) in November 2023. Read the slides from the CRN wide meeting (13 November 2023) including the RDNCC and RRDN Host Organisation information.

RDN Service Design

RDN Service Design work will determine how all the RRDN services and functions will be delivered, working jointly with the RDNCC.  The outputs of this work will ultimately define the RDN Services at a high level including what each service is, who the customers are, and other key elements of delivery including staff and roles. This detail will be provided to RRDN Host Organisations in February 2024 (edit: amended from January 2024 on 31/01/2024)  so that they can develop their implementation plans and staffing structures. More detailed timelines for the Service design process are available in this slide set:

It is anticipated that around 300 representatives from across all roles and grades in the CRN will be involved in Phase 1 activities to help ensure the knowledge and experience that is held by existing CRN staff informs and shapes the RDN services. Further opportunities for involvement will follow in Phases 2 and 3.


Questions previously included on the RRDN Questions & Answers page have been incorporated in the RDN Questions and Answers page.

If you have further questions related to the RRDNs please use this Google form. If your questions are specifically transition/HR related, please liaise with your line manager and/or relevant employing organisation. 

More information 

The RDN Supporting Information page provides general supporting information relating to the RDN Transition and Transformation such as the service specifications and fact sheets.