Monthly Updates

This page is where we will publish regular updates from the Transformation Engagement Working Group (TEWG), for the purpose of sharing and engaging with staff and stakeholders.

May 2024 Update

The update for May is provided below. A pdf version of the May update is also available.


In May 2024, the Transformation Engagement Working Group (TEWG) was actively engaged in supporting various tasks delegated by the RDN Transformation Programme Board. These tasks, submitted via a Google form, reflect the ongoing efforts to engage the working group in the RDN Transformation Programme.

On the 21st of May, the TEWG met virtually to review the submitted tasks. The tasks reviewed and discussed during this session included:

Feedback on RDN/CRN All Staff Meeting (07/05/24) 

Task: Provide feedback to the RDN Board and RDN Transformation Programme on the RDN/CRN All Staff Meeting held on 07/05/24. This includes thoughts on future agendas, unanswered questions, and the acceptability of requiring names when asking questions (currently allowing just first names and regions).

Action: On 21/05/24, the TEWG discussed their feedback during a virtual meeting. They compiled comments from their network, focusing on the performance of RDN Board Members, timelines, the process of raising questions, differences across LCRNs/RRDNs, and general remarks. Suggestions for future meeting content and format were also provided. A full list of feedback can be requested by email to 

Impact: The collected feedback was submitted to the RDN Board and RDN Transformation Programme board. This input will be used to enhance future RDN/CRN all-staff meetings, aiming to improve engagement and address staff concerns more effectively.

Future Planning for ‘Connected Cuppas’ 

Task: Assess the feasibility and timing of relaunching the ‘Connected Cuppas’ scheme, a cross-CRN/RDN initiative aimed at fostering informal virtual connections among staff.

Action: The TEWG discussed feedback on the potential relaunch. The consensus was that while the initiative is well-received, the current transition and transformation period is not ideal for its relaunch. The recommendation was to consider restarting the scheme at the end of the year.

Impact: By providing timely insights, the Organisational Development Team can ensure appropriate initiatives are launched at the most opportune moments, maximising engagement and effectiveness.

Supporting the phase 3 design of the ‘Helping to Build the RDN’ workshops

Task: The group was tasked with nominating a member to serve as the Subject Matter Expert for Phase 3 of the RDN Transformation workshops ‘Helping to Build the RDN’.

Activity: Over the past several months, the 'Helping to Build the RDN' workshops have facilitated discussions among LCRNs and RDNCC colleagues about the RDN's future, allowing them to explore their thoughts on the vision and its significance. In Phase 3, we plan to design two workshops: one for all staff and one for team leaders. Both will emphasise bringing to life Change Statement 5: "Emphasis on continuous improvement, learning, and value for money in every part of RDN." The nominated TEWG member, Hannah Williams, along with her deputy, Christopher Ward, will contribute a staff engagement perspective to the workshop design. Hannah will attend meetings and provide feedback to the group during ongoing virtual sessions.

Impact: An update on this activity will be provided in the June 2024 update.

Feedback on RDN In Time Listening Mechanisms 

Task: The RDN Transformation Programme wants to enable a way for staff across the network to share how they’re feeling about transformation. With this in mind they are hoping to trial a number of in time listening mechanisms. They are seeking insights from TEWG on the mechanisms in addition to the questions asked and how they might land with staff.

Activity: Representatives from the team attended the virtual meeting on the 21st of May where TEWG members provided verbal feedback and additional feedback was submitted via a google form as requested.

Impact: TEWG insights and feedback will help select and shape the in time listening mechanism and inform what type of questions might be appropriate and asked. This will make the listening mechanism as helpful, appropriate and inclusive as possible. TEWG will have the opportunity to give feedback on the final version before rollout to the wider network.


The TEWG members meet virtually twice monthly, once to review the tasks and actions that are submitted and another meeting to discuss updates on the RDN Transformation & Transition programmes. 

Should you have anything you wish to bring to the group’s attention, you can complete our Google form. Please also use this form to share your ideas, feedback, concerns, or any other matters related to the Transformation Programme's engagement. Your input is invaluable in helping us create a supportive and engaging workplace environment.  

March-April 2024 Update

The update for March and April 2024 is provided below. A pdf version of the March-April update is also available.

Why was the Transformation Engagement Working Group (TEWG) created?

The Research Delivery Network (RDN) Transformation Engagement Working Group brings together a group of 18 representatives and staff from a variety of levels, and from across the current RDNCC/LCRNs. Established in March '24, the group works alongside the RDN Transition and Transformation teams to be involved in and offer ideas about:

Learn more about TEWG Members

Areas highlighted for improvement 

The Challenges

During their first session in March '24, the group met with Associate Director for the RDN Transformation Programme, Emily Dew and highlighted several challenges and areas for improvement, the full list can be found here. As a result the RDN Board asked TEWG members to collaborate on a paper outlining recommendations for future engagement opportunities.

Challenge 1: Clarity of purpose and reason for engagement

Recommendation 1: An itemised agenda should be distributed ahead of RDN All Staff Meetings, and clarity is needed ahead of meeting as to whether there will be any new information shared.

Challenge 2: Feedback mechanism for Transformation

Recommendation 2: All chat comments & questions in meetings should be captured and responded to in an FAQ’s sheet that is specific to each meeting. All staff should be sent a link to those FAQ’s.

Challenge 3: Clarity of language/communication

Recommendation 3: To overcome the challenge of understanding Transition vs Transformation, an explanation as to why these are two separate pieces of work would help people to  understand and appreciate the differences.

A graphic summary from the group's Vision discussions, depicted as a rocket headed towards 'Our North Star', i.e. where we want to go. The rocket is flying upwards and away from 'Base camp', which represents where we are now. The rocket represents our ship and how we will get there. It is powered by an engine (our values) and has our crew on board (the group and their role). The wings of the rocket signify what the group will do and the nose of the rocket represents the success measures for the group

TEWG Vision

The group took part in a workshop with an external provider, Nifty Fox,  to explore their understanding of Transition versus Transformation in the RDN. In addition to this, they worked on an agreed vision for the group and articulated how their work and voice should sit within the wider work of the RDN Transformation Programme.

TEWG members captured their current perspectives on the RDN Transformation Programme in a visual image and drafted a strategic plan aimed at transforming their current state of understanding, to their desired future state. They identified as a group, what their key core values are, their roles and actions as TEWG members and identified success measures to help them achieve their goal. This session provided visual outputs, a set of immediate challenges and demonstrated the group's commitment and passion to the transformative journey ahead.

Visual depiction of the Group vision in the form of a bus with annotations. The annotations summarise 1) How the group will know it has done a good job, 2) What the group will do, 3) What the group won't do 4) How the group wishes to be communicated with, 5) How the group will measure its impact, and 6) The Groups non-negotiables.

TEWG Aims and Impact

In a second workshop, TEWG further explored their shared vision of success and defined their collective aims and intended impact as a group. They were able to establish and agree upon strategic priorities and identify the parameters that would guide the impact and influence of their actions. This work built upon outputs from workshop 1 and set a clear direction about what a meaningful contribution to the RDN Transformation Programme might look like.   

Additionally, they noted down their non-negotiable principles (or rules) as group members, reinforcing their need for personal integrity and transparency. The final manifesto was captured in a diagram (shown left) with a text version also available.

What's Next

TEWG will meet monthly to discuss any RDN Transformation Programme updates and work on actions they have been tasked with by members of the RDN Board or wider stakeholders. We aim to produce a monthly update, similar to this, sharing updates on the work that TEWG have been involved in that month and any upcoming activity for the group. Please feel free to reach out to members to discuss their work and offer feedback for upcoming tasks.

Current tasks: