EDGE Recruitment Upload Google Form

For Level 1 and 2 practices that have not been trained to upload recruitment to Edge directly, recruitment can be report by completing the Google form below. Recruitment activity submitted in this way will be uploaded into Edge by the primary care team at the end of each week. The recruitment upload guide below provides further guidance on the process.

Each recruit for each study should be reported by its own Google form submission.

Sessional practices are required to upload recruitment directly on to Edge and should not use the Google form option. To arrange Edge training for you practice, please contact studysupport5.crnwessex@nihr.ac.uk.

Recruitment should only be reported for studies that are consenting patients in practice. Search and mailout studies should not be included. Recruitment information from these studies will be provided to us by the study team directly.

If you have any queries, please contact studysupport5.crnwessex@nihr.ac.uk


EDGE clinical user guide

If you have received access to the EDGE research management system this guide will outline the basics for finding projects and managing recruitment.