Associate PI Scheme Champion

The 'NIHR Associate PI Scheme Champion' badge logo

The Associate Principal Investigator (PI) Scheme has launched this optional new role that National Study Teams may wish to have within their teams.

The Associate PI Scheme Champion would be a local source of information and support for staff at the managing organisation of a study, whether that be a CTU, R&D Department, CRO, etc. The overall aim of the role is promotion of the Associate PI Scheme within the organisation and have a good awareness of the Scheme to help improve uptake.

Click here for more information about how to get involved in this role.

Champion Toolkit

Champion Resources

Here you will find useful resources that will help with raising awareness of the scheme and improving uptake

Champion Directory

Here you will find contact details for the Champions and their respective locations

Champion Events

Here you will find details about upcoming and past events for confirmed Scheme Champions

New! Champion Case Study 

by Leena Islam, CRN North Thames Regional Champion for the Associate PI scheme