Below you will find our slides, flyers and other promotional materials that you are welcome to utilise to help promote the scheme.

Please also see what we have available on our videos page  which includes our promotional video titled "What is the Associate Principal Investigator Scheme" 


A preview of a slide deck

Associate PI Scheme Slides
These slides can be used to engage healthcare professionals who may be interested in taking part in the Associate PI Scheme.
Containing information about:

A preview of a slide deck

Slides for SIVs
These slides can be used at your site initiation visits to engage study sites and to get them enthused about the Associate PI Scheme and encourage your Local PIs to start identifying prospective Associate PIs.
Containing information about:


API Scheme_infographic_v5.2_no bleed (May 2023).pdf

Associate PI Scheme Flyer
This flyer can be used as a poster for notice boards or circulated via email to your study sites and Local PIs to encourage prospective Associate PIs to get involved.
Containing Information about:

A preview of an Associate PI Scheme Myth Buster flyer

Myth Buster Flyer
This flyer can be used when engaging prospective Associate PIs to join the Associate PI Scheme to ensure they understand the facts about the scheme.
Containing Information about:

A preview of an adaptable Study-specific Associate PI Scheme flyer

Adaptable Study Specific Flyer
This flyer can be edited to include your specific study and give your Local PI's name as a point of contact to express interest. This can be sent to your study sites to be used by Local PIs to advertise that a study has joined the Scheme and is open for people to get involved.
Containing Information about:

MAKE A COPY OF FLYER BEFORE EDITING - to do this go to file, then ‘Make a Copy’

PI and Study Team specific

A rosette-style badge which reads 'Associate Principal Investigator Scheme Registered Study'

Badge of Study Registration

How to use the study badge: 

A preview of an email template to be used by National Study Teams

Email template for Study Teams and Scheme Champions
Containing information about:

This email can be sent to all your study sites and local PIs to engage them with the Scheme and encourage them to start identifying prospective Associate PIs. We recommend this is sent as soon as you receive confirmation that your study has joined the Associate PI Scheme.

A preview of an email template to be used by prospective Associate PI Trainee applicants

Email template for Principal Investigators
Containing information about:

This email can be used to encourage healthcare professionals at your site to join the Associate PI Scheme. We recommend this is sent as soon as you receive confirmation that your study has joined the Associate PI Scheme.