
Below you will find promotional videos about the Scheme and videos from healthcare professionals who have taken part in the scheme and how it worked for them.

Please also see what we have available on our How To' Guides page which includes instructional videos that explain how to apply for the scheme (study and trainee). 

What is the Associate Principal Investigator Scheme 

This video gives an general overview of the Associate PI Scheme, how it works and who is eligible to take part. 

Dev's Story - Taking part in the Associate PI Scheme

This video gives an example of a speech therapist taking part in the Associate PI Scheme and how it worked for them. 

API Scheme - RCN Nursing event QandA.mp4

A Nurse's Story- Taking part in the Associate PI Scheme

This video of Amanda Hill, Hepatology Nurse Specialist, details their experience of taking part in the Associate PI Scheme.

A GP's experience - Taking part in the Associate PI Scheme

This video of Owen Hughes, a GP partner at University Nottingham Health Service, details their experience of taking part in the Associate PI Scheme.

A poster featuring an illustration of 4 medical professionals, and a title that reads 'Research Learning Lectures'

The Research Learning Lectures are a series of lectures covering a variety of topics relating to basic science, clinical trial methodology and statistics. Videos of the lectures that have taken place so far are available to watch back via the Webinar Recordings page.