NIHR Associate Principal Investigator Scheme Resources site

On this site you will find useful resources for key stakeholders who play a part in the Associate PI Scheme

Associate PI Scheme Stakeholder Toolkits

We have created toolkits full of useful information and recommendations for our Associate PI's, Local PI's, National Study Team and the Scheme Champions. We recommend reviewing the relevant toolkit if you are thinking about undertaking, or have taken on one of these roles.

Associate PI Toolkit

Local PI Toolkit

National Study Team Toolkit

Champion Toolkit
(Including details about Champion role and how to apply)

An illustration of a smiling female doctor

We have created some videos and slides that you can utilise as promotional materials for newsletter, meetings and events.

An illustration of a smiling male doctor

We have created some 'How To' guides for stakeholders to utilise, including instructional videos about how to apply for the scheme.

An illustration of a smiling female nurse

You can find information about our upcoming events, including the Research Learning Lectures, and watch recordings of past events.

An illustration of a female scientist wearing a face mask and holding a microscope

Feel free to review our collection of publications from Associate PI Alumni and various other stakeholders.  You can also read the Position Statement from the General Medical Council (GMC) who kindly support the Associate PI Scheme.

A banner celebrating 4,000 registered Associate PIs as of now